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Researchers in the US have developed a new drug that can be delivered directly into the eye via an eye dropper to shrink down and dissolve cataracts - the leading cause of blindness in humans.  While the effects have yet to be tested on humans, the team from the University of California, San Diego hopes to replicate the findings in clinical trials and offer an alternative to the only treatment that’s currently available to cataract patients - painful and often prohibitively expensive surgery.  Affecting tens of millions of people worldwide, cataracts cause the lens of the eye to become progressively cloudy, and when left untreated, can lead to total blindness. This occurs when the structure of the crystalline proteins that make up the lens in our eyes deteriorates, causing the damaged or disorganized proteins to clump and form a milky blue or brown layer. While cataracts cannot spread from one eye to the other, they can occur independently in   b...


According  to  a  new  research   ,regular  brisk  walking   is  a   more  effective   method   for  weight  loss  than   going  to  the  Gym.  A study by the London School of Economics found that those who engaged in “regular, brisk walking” for longer than half an hour had lower Body Mass Indexes (BMI) and smaller waists than those who did other exercise such as going the gym or playing football or rugby. The results were particularly true for women, people over 50 and those on low incomes. Dr Grace Lordan, who led the research said: “The results thus provide an argument for a campaign to promote walking… Given the obesity epidemic and the fact that a large proportion of people are inactive, recommending that people walk briskly more often is a cheap and easy policy option.” ...


Swiss engineers have invented a pacemaker based on an clockwork wristwatch which is powered by the motion of the heart. The prototype, which has been successfully tested in pigs, could mean that patients no longer have to undergo repeat surgery when the batteries in their device run out. The invention, presented to the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Barcelona, is based on the concept behind a self-winding wristwatch. Currently pacemakers, which are used to help the heart beat more regularly, need to be replaced on average every seven years, when batteries fail More than 40,000 people a year are fitted with pacemakers in England. The devices are used for patients with unusually fast, slow or irregular heart rhythms. The new model, stitched directly on to the heart, is based on the concept of automatic clockwork developed by Swiss watchmakers in 1777 and generates electrical current using the movement of heart muscle.  Automatic watches work b...


Often   you  feel  exhausted without you even doing   anything .This  is  due  to  malfunctioning  of  your  h ormones .If your hormones aren’t balanced, it can lead to several malfunctions in your energy levels and   mood. The perfect balance You can only function on your best when your hormone levels are in perfect balance.Then   you  can   work   enthusiastically  and  with  full  strength .But     Unfortunately, sometimes you don’t even know how your hormones influence your everyday life.So me    hormones  that   influence   your  everyday life   and    wh at     you   can  do  to  keep  them   balance   are- Thyroid   T oo little thyroid hormone can lead to fatigue. But did you also know that too much thyroid can also...


  Now  a  days  you     can  enhance  your  beauty  at  any   time  without   going  to  a  parlor  with  the  help  of  beauty apps.They  can be  your  little  pocket  guide  and  help  you  to  maintain  your  makeup   even  while   moving.Some  of  beauty  apps  are- 1. Modiface This app allows you to upload your own picture and try out different makeup products such as various shades of lipstick and eye shadows, you can even adjust your hair color to see how it would look on you! Gone are the days of trial and  Available for iPhone, Android and Windows. Modiface  app 2. Skin Better-This is a skin analysis app that uses a dermatologist grade scanning technology to identify any facial skin issues you may have such as dark...


A revolutionary prosthetic hand that connects the directly to the brain has allowed a 28-year-old paralyzed volunteer to "feel" physical sensations for the first time in a decade  The prosthetic has been created as part of a project by Darpa, the US government's defense research agency, which is primarily famous for its work in military robotics. As well as building weaponized drones however, the agency also has a programme dedicated to revolutionizing prosthetic s through the introduction of feedback loops.  Its latest breakthrough is subtle enough for the paralyzed volunteer to identify exactly which mechanical finger has been touched -- even if two are touched at once. In order to achieve this, it was necessary to place electrode arrays onto the volunteer's sensory cortex -- the region of the brain that identifies tactile sensations and the motor cortex -- the region of the brain that directs body movements. Wires were then run from the motor cortex...


Overweight and obese people who take a high-dose of supplementary Vitamin C daily may get some of the cardiovascular benefits of exercise without the exercise, new research has found. In a small trial that recruited sedentary adults who were overweight or obese, study participants who took 500 milligrams of Vitamin C daily saw equal improvement in blood vessel tone — a key measure of cardiovascular health — as did those who took up a three-month regimen of brisk walking five to seven times a week, investigators at the University of Colorado at Boulder reported.  The study's small size — 15 subjects got the walking treatment, while 20 took the Vitamin C supplements — may also limit the uptake of its findings by public health officials, who have struggled, with limited success, to get sedentary Americans off the couch. Some 4 in 10 American adults are thought to be entirely sedentary.  But the study's invasive measures of "endotheli...