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  Now  a  days  you     can  enhance  your  beauty  at  any   time  without   going  to  a  parlor  with  the  help  of  beauty apps.They  can be  your  little  pocket  guide  and  help  you  to  maintain  your  makeup   even  while   moving.Some  of  beauty  apps  are-

1. Modiface

This app allows you to upload your own picture and try out different makeup products such as various shades of lipstick and eye shadows, you can even adjust your hair color to see how it would look on you! Gone are the days of trial and 
Available for iPhone, Android and Windows.
Modiface  app

2. Skin Better-This is a skin analysis app that uses a dermatologist grade scanning technology to identify any facial skin issues you may have such as dark spots, acne etc. The app will then recommend the products that treat these issues. It even gives you the opportunity to purchase the products on the spot.




Available for iPhone & Android

3. Beauty Me

Beauty me uses your Facebook pictures to give you a breakdown about your skin. The app suggests the type of foundation you should use, what color, how well you’re aging and general skin info. It even works for hair.
 Available on iPhone

4 Beautylish

This app is all about beauty products and trends built within a community of other passionate makeup junkies. You can share questions about products you are interested in, watch tutorials and connect with other makeup geeks.
Available on iPhone and Android

5. Pretty in my pocket

This app is the best if you are not up for trial and error and spending cash unnecessarily. Pretty in my pocket allows you to scan bar codes and get reviews before you decide on buying the product. The app also gives you tutorials on how to use the products you decide to buy, you may even be lucky enough to grab a coupon for beauty products. 



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