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A    Japanese    firm   developed   world's  first  robot    with   human  emotions,  which   can  also  love   you  back.It   is  named  'pepper'. The  adorable  android,  which    on  sale  this  week end ,has  a  range  of  moods   that  are  based  on  humans'   raging    hormones. The world's first "emotional robot" acts just like real person and can adjust to given situations. Pepper becomes shy around new people, and lights up when he is praised and he even gets scared when the lights go off at night. e robot's feelings are clearly reflected on a screen strapped to its front. But even more shockingly, little Pepper can read it's owners feelings and adapt it's behaviour towards them. His simulated sentiments are generated by mimicking the hormonal grumps and grins of humans. "These emotion functions in Pepper are modeled on the human release of hormones in response to stimuli absorbed by the five senses," explaine


ATOMIC  ENERGY  IS     most    important   source  of  energy  now  a  days as  it  is  pollution   free.There  are   strong  forces  in  the  nuclei  of  atoms  which  keep  the  particles   together.In  two  ways  to  release    the  energy  hidden  in  the   nuclei  of  an  atom  -one  is   by  fusion  and  other  is   by   splitting   them.In   fusion   ,they  are  fuse  with  one  another ,. This   also   occur   in   core of  stars.Big   stars   produce   energy   by   fusion  of   atoms.It is  also   done  in  Hydrogen    bomb.Other   method   is   splitting   atoms   to  release  energy.This   is  done  in  Nuclear  power   plants.for  this  purpose   a  chain  reaction  is  required in  a  reactor.In  this  process  atoms  can   be  split   by  bombarding  them with  neutrons for  example  the  nucleus  of  a  uranium   atom,can  be  split  by bombarding   with   neutrons  .A lot  of  energy  is  released   in  this  process. along  with  heat.Now  a  days   atomic  energy  i