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The best way to avoid winter germs is with a flu shot, a healthy lifestyle and good personal hygiene. Colds and flues are caught in two main ways:

  • From respiratory droplets spread from a cough or sneeze (droplets generally travel
  • By touching contaminated surfaces such as door handles, taps, tissues and hands and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes. Flu viruses can survive on some hard surfaces for up to 2 days.
  •  Boosting your immune system helps your body fight germs. Eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit and veggies, reduce stress, don’t smoke and get plenty of sleep and exercise.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick as much as possible.
  • Wash your hands often in soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand gel, especially before eating and after contact with a sick person.

    •  A well-fitting face mask covering the nose and mouth helps protect against airborne viruses. They should be used only once and changed 2-3 times daily. Surgical paper masks are useful but P2 and N95 masks are even more effective.

    • An annual flu vaccination is the most ­effective protection against influenza. It is best given in autumn but can still be given in June and July. The vaccine is especially important for high-risk groups such as people aged 65 and over, pregnant women and anyone over 6 months with a chronic health disease such as diabetes or a heart problem.

  • Go to bed
As if getting enough sleep on a normal basis inst hard enough, you need more zs when youre feeling under the weather. When you're tired, your body inst fighting as hard, So  getting 8 to 10 hours a night. is must.

  • Build up with healthy food
You may think its hard to eat healthy on a regular basis, but eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables supports your immune system, And thats a lot easier than fighting off the flu.

  • Work out
Get those sweats on and exercise,  Working out regularly enhances immune function.

  • Stay away
Keep your distance from people displaying symptoms like sneezing and coughing. While that strategy may seem obvious, it applies to more than just strangers and colleagues. Stay away from sick friends and family when possible.

  • Keep your hands off
Touching your nose and your eyes may hurt you, Those are the most common places for germs to get in.

  •  Every time you shake someones hand, wash yours
  •  Running lots of water over your hands will dilute any germs and send them down the drain.
  • COLD -



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