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DISEASE ARE CAUSED By bacteria and viruses .Diseases like AIDS and common cold , are caused by viruses,others by bacteria .Normally our immune system protect us against diseases.But sometimes our body -because of stress, or restlessness, become so weak that the immune system does not work properly and we succumb to disease .But we

can protect us by vaccination or by medication .In common cold ,the disease causing germs reach the respiratory tract,and mu DISEASE ARE CAUSED By bacteria and viruses .Diseases like AIDS and common cold , are caused by viruses,others by bacteria .Normally our immune system protect us against diseases.But sometimes our body -because of stress, or restlessness, become so weak that the immune system does not work properly and we succumb to disease .But we can protect us by vaccination or by medication .In common cold ,the disease causing germs reach the respiratory tract,and mucus builds in the bronchi a ,the branches of air pipe that go inside the lungs.The body try to get rid of this mucus by coughing vigorously and throwing the disease causing germs out of the lungs along with air .This also happen while we sneeze .The nasal mucus is stimulated and the nose starts to tingle.Then we have to sneeze,and germs are thrown outside forcefully. Our body has many defense mechanism s.The white blood cells and the lymphatic system play an important role in warding off diseases .Important lymph nodes are the tonsils and the spleen .Here the white blood cells are taught which substances belong to body and which do not .If foreign substances comes inside the body,the macrophages or the killer cells start tracking and destroying them .Fever accelerate this process,however if fever rise above 42 centigrade,the proteins in the body clump together , get destroyed , and may cause death. Some times body's defense mechanism alone is not able to get rid of t diseases.But sometimes our body -because of stress, or restlessness, become so weak that the immune system does not work properly and we succumb to disease .But we can protect us by vaccination or by medication .In common cold ,the disease causing germs reach the respiratory tract,and mucus builds in the bronchi a ,the branches of air pipe that go inside the lungs.The body try to get rid of this mucus by coughing vigorously and throwing the disease causing germs out of the lungs along with air .This also happen while we sneeze .The nasal mucus is stimulated and the nose starts to tingle.Then we have to sneeze,and germs are thrown outside forcefully. Our body has many defense mechanism s.The white blood cells and the lymphatic system play an important role in warding off diseases .Important lymph nodes are the tonsils and the spleen .Here the white blood cells are taught which substances belong to body and which do not .If foreign substances comes inside the body,the macrophages or the killer cells start tracking and destroying them .Fever accelerate this process,however if fever rise above 42 centigrade,the proteins in the body clump together , get destroyed , and may cause death. Some times body's defense mechanism alone is not able to get rid of the disease , we should take medicines to assist it. cus builds in the bronchi a ,the branches of air pipe that go inside the lungs.The body try to get rid of this mucus by coughing vigorously and throwing the disease causing germs out of the lungs along with air .This also happen while we sneeze .The nasal mucus is stimulated and the nose starts to tingle.Then we have to sneeze,and germs are thrown outside forcefully. Our body has many defense mechanism s.The white blood cells and the lymphatic system play an important role in warding off diseases .Important lymph nodes are the tonsils and the spleen .Here the white blood cells are taught which substances belong to body and which do not .If foreign substances comes inside the body,the macrophages or the killer cells start tracking and destroying them .Fever accelerate this process,however if fever rise above 42 centigrade,the proteins in the body clump together , get destroyed , and may cause death. Some times body's defense mechanism alone is not able to get rid of t diseases.But  sometimes   our body  -because  of   stress, or  restlessness,  become  so  weak  that  the  immune system  does not  work properly  and  we  succumb  to  disease .But  we  can  protect  us  by  vaccination  or  by  medication .In  common  cold  ,the  disease  causing   germs   reach  the  respiratory   tract,and  mucus  builds  in  the  bronchi a  ,the  branches  of  air  pipe that  go  inside the  lungs.The  body   try  to  get  rid  of  this  mucus by  coughing  vigorously     and  throwing  the  disease  causing   germs  out  of  the   lungs along  with  air .This  also  happen  while  we  sneeze .The  nasal   mucus  is  stimulated  and  the  nose  starts   to  tingle.Then  we  have  to  sneeze,and  germs  are  thrown  outside  forcefully.
Our   body  has   many  defense   mechanism s.The  white  blood  cells   and  the   lymphatic   system  play  an   important   role  in  warding  off   diseases  .Important  lymph  nodes  are  the  tonsils and  the  spleen .Here   the white   blood  cells   are  taught  which   substances  belong  to   body  and  which   do not .If  foreign  substances   comes  inside  the  body,the  macrophages  or  the   killer cells  start   tracking   and  destroying  them .Fever   accelerate  this  process,however  if  fever  rise  above   42  centigrade,the  proteins  in  the  body  clump   together , get  destroyed ,  and  may  cause  death. 
Some  times   body's   defense      mechanism   alone  is   not able  to  get  rid  of  the  disease ,  we  should   take  medicines  to  assist  it.  









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