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healthy foods for weight loss




Do you know what to eat to lose weight? You might be relieved to know that you don't have to spend a lot of money  when you're trying to slim down. In fact, most products on the best weight loss foods list are common items that you can find in any supermarket.  Smart dieters eat these cheap and easy foods and slim down faster

The best healthy foods for weight loss are naturally low in fat and calories, full of nutrients and easy to prepare. You can find foods like this in every section of the grocery store and sometimes even in convenience marts. These foods won't break your budget, but they can break the cycle of overeating and help you to lose weight.

Radishes are crunchy, packed with fiber and super low in calories. In fact, each large radish provides only 1 calorie, putting it at the top of the best weight loss foods list. The bright red veggie is also simple to store in the refrigerator and easy to pack when you need a snack on the go. 
 If you don't like to eat radishes alone, chop them up and add them to your salad to give it a spicy pop of flavor. Or how about a delicious Radish and Olive Salad recipe? You can even cook radishes and eat them as a healthy side dish

 Add grapefruit to your list of weight loss foods. A half grapefruit (which is a fairly generous serving) provides only 52 calories and is packed with nutrients like vitamins A, C, and B6.

If you don't like grapefruit alone, add it to a fruit salad. Other fruits can be a little bit higher in calories. If you add this tangy citrus fruit to a salad with bananas and berries, you get more food for fewer calories. 

Iceberg lettuce is so not cool. But it really is one of the best weight loss foods. Why? Iceberg lettuce has only 7 calories per cup. So you can bulk up your food and feel like you're eating more without adding calories. You can literally double the size of your salad, bust out your tacos and add an inch to the height of your sandwich for less than 10 calories.
Iceberg lettuce also adds crunch and color to your meals and this cheap, easy-to-find veggie is packed with water - so it's hydrating too!


If you need a tasty food that is cheap, easy to find and super versatile, then look no further than cauliflower. A serving of this crunchy vegetable provides only 25 calories 2.5 grams of fiber and 2 grams of protein.
Because cauliflower has increased in popularity, you'll find plenty of online recipes for new and interesting ways to use the vegetable.  It's still an easy veggie to eat raw, but you can also mash cauliflower the same way you would mash potatoes.  Some people even make pizza crust with cauliflower.

Chick peas, also called garbanzo beans, are a must have item in every dieter's pantry. A half cup of the hearty bean provides about 130 calories, almost 6 grams of fiber and 7 grams of filling protein. If you love the nutty taste of chick peas, you can eat them alone, but I usually use them to make low-calorie hummus (without the tahini).  You can also add garbanzo beans to soups and salads or make chick pea poppers as a snack that both you and your kids will love.

What do you eat when you're trying to lose weight and you're craving a sandwich? Some dieters actually use cucumbers to replace bread. This savvy trick can save 200-300 calories when you're making a sandwich.
If you don't like the cucumber peel (some say it tastes bitter), you can peel your cucumber before you build the sandwich. Then cut it in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds with a spoon so each half of the cucumber has a canoe shape. After that, fill the middle with a lean meat like turkey, add tomato and peppers and you've got a yummy lean sandwich without the high-calorie bread!

 Many diet experts will tell you that peanut butter is one of the best foods for weight loss. It's true that almost all nut butters are filling and contain healthy fats. The problem with peanut butter is that it is loaded with calories and it's hard to eat just a single serving.

If you absolutely need to keep nut butter in your diet when you're trying to slim down, buy it in these handy single serving packs. Then throw it into your lunch box, your briefcase or your handbag with some celery sticks for a protein and fibre.

 Do you eat oatmeal for breakfast? If you do, that's great. But some oatmeal brands are better than others. If you buy those single serving packets that come in flavors like maple syrup or apple cinnamon, then you might want to think twice.  Those packets are often loaded with sugar


 Instead, look below those fancy packets in the grocery store and you'll usually find old fashioned rolled oats on the bottom shelves. Look for the cardboard canister . These oats are healthy, easy to store, cheap and each hearty serving provides 150 calories.

Many smart dieters eat popcorn and lose weight successfully. But many pee-popped varieties provide more calories than you need. Even the brands that advertise that they are "guilt-free" can be higher in calories. Trader Joe's Reduced Guilt Air Popped Popcorn contains 110 calories per serving. 
So   buy old-school popcorn kernels and air pop it yourself? The do-it-yourself method will save money and calories to help you lose weight faster. A single serving of air-popped corn provides 
only   90  calories.


Eggs go in and out of favor in the health community, but they are always on  list of the best foods for weight loss. Eggs are perfectly portion controlled, they are versatile, you can eat them at every meal, and they are packed with nutrition.
A single hard-boiled egg contains only 72 calories and over 6 grams of protein. There is some fat in eggs, but it's easy to remove the yolk and eat the white if your fat consumption is too high on a given day. Sliced eggs are great in salads and whole eggs or egg whites are a great breakfast choice. 

Asian yogurt is another great option if you're trying to get protein from dairy.A single serving of Tarte Asian Yogurt is 6 ounces, slightly larger than the popular cups of Greek yogurt. Each cup provides 12 grams of protein and only 110 calories - less than Greek yogurt. The sugar count is usually lower too. Asian yogurt has 13 grams of sugar.







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