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Onion Sometime refers as World's Oldest Neurosurgeon because this bulb-vegetable has lots of health benefits and qualities to cure many diseases.Onions are highly valued in every form of cuisine imaginable especially for its distinctively pungent smell and taste that helps in bringing out the flavor in foods.

 There are many different varieties of onion, red, yellow, white, and green, each with their own unique flavor, from very strong to mildly sweet. Onions can be eaten raw, cooked, fried, dried or roasted. They are commonly used to flavor dips, salads, soups, spreads, stir-fry and other dishes.

1. Onion Reduces High Blood Pressure.


One raw onion daily reduces high blood pressure. Reduces blood clot and make it thin to improve blood circulation. Reducing high blood pressure is one of the top most health benefits of raw onion.

Onion Promotes Hair Growth

This is one of the most unique and yet overlooked uses for onion juice. One of the many beneficial ingredients found in onions is sulfur, which is well-known for its ability to stimulate hair growth. One study revealed that applying onion juice to the scalp twice a week for roughly two months can stimulate the follicles to promote hair growth.

3. Onion Control cholesterol and prevent Heart Disease

Eating onion daily reduces high cholesterol by burning bad cholesterol. In results it prevents heart disease and keep you safe.

4Onion Gives Relief from Jaundice

Cut onions into four halves and dip them in a jar containing lemon juice. Add some salt and black pepper to these slices. Now eat these slices twice daily in morning and evening to get relief from jaundice.

5. Onion Improves Sexual strength

Research say, fresh onion juice increases testosterone. A mixture of one tablespoon of onion juice and 1 tablespoon of ginger should be taken for three times a day. Improving sexual health is also one of the top most health benefits of raw onion.

6. Onion Is Good For Oral Health

Onions are often used to prevent tooth decay and oral infections. Chewing raw onions for 2 to 3 minutes could possibly kill all the germs present in the mouth area.

7. Onion Promotes Healthy and Vibrant Skin

Onion juice promotes optimal blood circulation within our skin’s tissue, which prevents toxins and pollutants from stagnating and forming infections. In addition, raw onions have often been used as a poultice to treat boils, wounds, and various skin inflammations.

8. Onion Can Be Used as Insect Repellent

You can apply onion juice to reduce the pain caused due to honey-bee bite. Fresh onion juice or paste can be used for external applications for insect bites and scorpion stings.

9. Onion Lowers Risk Of Blood Clots

Blood clots are another major health problem. If a person develops a blood clot in one of the arteries that lead to the heart or brain, then he or she can develop a blood clot. The quercetin in onions has been shown to protect against blood clots.

10. Onion Is Helpful In Treatment Of Urinary Disorders

For those suffering from burning sensation during urination, onions can provide considerable relief. The patient should drink water boiled with 6 to 7 gm of onion.

12. Onion Improves Immunity

Vitamin C, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, is present in large quantities in onions that help improve immunity. Onions also boost production of interferons like TNF-α and IL-12 production that increases phagocytosis. They also increase the activity of natural killer cells, enhancing natural immunity against infectious agents.

13. Onion Prevent Respiratory System

Mix equal amounts of onion juice and honey and take 3-4 teaspoons of this mixture daily. It helps liquefy mucus and prevents its further formation. It is also one of the best preventive potion against common cold.

14. Onion Prevents Colon Cancer


Fructo-oligosaccharides in onions stimulate the growth of good bacteria in the colon and help reduce the risk of tumors developing in the colon.

15. Onion Helps Alleviate Sinus Problems

Many people suffer from sinus problems during the fall and spring months. Onions can help alleviate sinus problems by loosening the mucus in the nose. Additionally, onions can be used to treat other infections, including bronchitis and ear earaches.




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