Turmeric has been extensively studied and researched; and, unlike Noni Juice or Goji Berries,
Turmeric is a ginger-like plant whose roots are gathered, dried and made into a spice for its flavor and health benefits. The scientific name of turmeric is Curium longa. It is a popular spice in many Indian and Asian dishes and a critical ingredient of curry. The turmeric spice found in grocery stores is the boiled, dried and powdered root of the turmeric plant (picture the ginger you see in the grocery store). Turmeric has a distinct yellow color and can stain clothes (sometimes it is even used as a dye or as food coloring.
The most interesting nutrient in turmeric is curcumin. This is the nutrient that has received attention in the media because researchers are interested in curcumin’s possibilities in fighting cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Conclusive research on curcumin hasn’t happened yet, but there is a lot of potential.
The curcumin in turmeric is thought to work because it is a strong anti-inflammatory agent.
from curcumin, turmeric contains high levels of iron and manganese and
moderate levels of vitamin B6 and potassium -– all vitamins and minerals
that are part of a healthy, balanced diet (but nothing so great as to take turmeric just for these vitamins/minerals).Turmeric Supplements
You might find turmeric in health foods stores. I have seen turmeric tea (whose label claims it is popular in Okinawa where the people live longer than anywhere else in the world). You might also find turmeric pills as a health enhancer.A long list of health conditions are claimed to be helped by turmeric. Many of these are currently under research and conclusions have not been drawn yet. Here is a brief list of the conditions:

- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Arthritis.
- Cancer Prevention
- Cancer Growth Restriction
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Prevent Heart Disease
- Lowers cholesterol
- Keep in mind that in the studies behind these claims, participants weren’t simply eating a lot of curry with turmeric in it. They were given high doses of curcumin (the key nutrient in turmeric) and closely monitored by researchers.
- For example, in a study on cystic fibrosis, each patient received almost 500 mg of curcumin. They would have to eat almost a full gram of turmeric a day to get that much (that’s a lot of curry!). Many of the studies also look at a combination of high doses of curcumin along with other substances. Basically, this research isn’t nutritional research looking for a new guideline, but pharmaceutical research seeking to produce new drugs based on curcumin.
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