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 Tumblr is a blogging and social media tool that allows users to publish a "tumblelog", or short blog posts. Tumblr's major differentiator is the free-form nature of the site and the ability of users to heavily customize their own pages.


Tumblr is one of the most popular microblogging sites. Tumblr is a network of millions of user-generated, personal Web sites. It's part blogging platform (like Wordpress, Blogger or Posterous) and part social networking service, letting users create and post their own original content.
 Tumblr has an excellent email-or-text-based publishing system that makes it rather easy to post good-looking items to a tumblog with ease.  Tumblr can also absorb audio files, quotes, and pictures that are attached to or in the email or text message. You can even create audio posts (think mini podcast) over a telephone.
 According to Quantcast, the primary users of Tumblr in the United States are 18-34 year old females with low income. The primary purpose of Tumblr is for the sharing of photos and animated GIFs
Tumblr is most popular with the 18-to-29 year old age bracket. About 13% of this demographic have used the site. 66% of all visitors are under the age of 35, while 39% are under 25 years-old. About 36% of users are parents.
It's  a user-friendly blogging platform and can bring traffic to your website. It  has a significant number of audience amounting to 300 million+. So if you're hitting the right spot, Tumblr should be considered as relevant.
 Tumblr is a popular platform for online fandom discussions regarding art, music, movies and TV shows. Because of its smaller audience, the engagement, and dedication is relatively higher.
  • How to use Tumblr effectively for business
  1. Be visual in your blog posts in order to spark reblogs. 
  2. Utilize hashtags and mentions as you do on Twitter, except without a 140-character limit.
  3. Follow users who are related to your company or industry and reblog their posts.
  4. Search for relevant questions and include a link to your business with your answer..
Tumblr tips to get more followers instantly.
  1. Follow as many people as you can.
  2. Start commenting on others Tumblr posts.
  3. Frequently update with interesting pictures.
  4. Timing is the key, Best Time to Post on Tumblr.
  5. Go social, make new friends and let them share your Tumblr posts.
  6. Tumblr blog appearance is almost everything.
  8. How to Become Famous on Tumblr
    1. Pick a Theme for Your Tumblr Blog.
    2. Post Content Regularly.
    3. Post Original, Image-Rich Content.
    4. Always Tag Your Posts.
    5. Dedicate Yourself to Promotion and Networking.
    7. Best time to post to Tumblr

      That means the best times to post is between 7pm and 10pm Monday to Thursday. Post activity is highest at around 4pm. Notes tend to see a peak of about 10pm


    5 Ways To Use Tumblr To Increase Traffic To Your Website
    1. Keep it simple. When starting out on Tumblr, you'll find many visual themes to choose from. 
    2. Re-blogging. Re-blogging is one of the biggest advantages that Tumblr has to offer. 
    3. Explore Page. 
    4. Direct your users to Facebook and Twitter. 
    5. Update the site as much as possible.
    •  Promote your tumblr
    Include relevant hashtags
    Hashtags in Tumblr are the keywords that make your posts searchable. They're very important for getting your content seen. You can find popular hashtags by doing a search and seeing what people are looking for. And by typing in different tags in a post to see what people are using.
    What's a tumblr girl?
    A Tumblr girl is a specific kind of young woman that actively uses the social media website Tumblr. Typically, Tumblr girls are considered attractive, are interested in fashion, post many photographs of themselves, and have a distinctive aesthetic sensibility associated with hipsterism.
    • Can Tumblr make you money?
    In addition to allowing ads to be served to the visitors of your Tumblr blog, you can also make money on Tumblr by adding affiliate links. Then, if visitors to your Tumblr blog click on an Amazon link you'll earn money from Amazon.
    Tumblr is a unique social media platform that combines blogging, photos, videos, and more tools to express yourself. Popular users who amass tens of thousands of followers, with others reblogging their content regularly, are considered Tumblr famous.








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