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Its really rare, but not completely uncommon that a snake is born with two heads.  It’s called Polycephaly, a condition of having more than one head. 

 The most commonly observed two-headed animals are turtles and snakes.

 Snake heads may attack and even attempt to swallow each other. Thus, polycephalic animals survive poorly in the wild compared to normal monocephalic animals.

Most two-headed snakes only live for a few months, though some have been reported to live a full life and even reproduced with the offspring born normal.A two-headed black rat snake with separate throats and stomachs survived for 20 years.
  A two-headed albino rat snake named “We” survived in captivity for 8 years. A two-headed Boa constrictor was born in a pet shop in Hayward, California, in May 2009. Owner Aaron Dickey decided to sell the snake to the Venice Beach Freakshow.A two-headed king snake lived for nearly 17 years at the Arizona State University.
  According  to Hindu mythology Hindu God Vishnu reclines on the multi-hooded serpent Shesha.




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