enhance your beauty .These precious little things also
enhance sense of prestige and pride in you.So , that way
jewels are really things to be care for .But often we
don't give much care to our precious jewels or we care
them in a wrong way.So make sure that you take care of
your fine jewelry and avoid doing these -
Jewelry is usually so sentimental that we are tempted to wear
it all the time, whether it is a necklace you received as a child or
your engagement ring. . Even though they are worn everyday, it doesn't mean you have
to wear them ALL the time. Wearing Your Jewelry All the Time
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Don't wear your jewelry while sleeping, washing dishes, painting, working with your hands, wearing latex gloves. Use your best judgement on this, but if in doubt, take your jewelry off. Keep reading to learn about the importance of where you store your jewelry.
Showering or Swimming in Your Jewelry
Cleaning Your Jewelry in an Ultrasonic Machine
Submerging Your Jewelry in Cleaner for Too Long
Taking Rings off by Pressing on the Stones
Keeping Your Jewelry Out in the Open
Care for your jewelry

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