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The Merchant of Venice is a 16th-century play written by William Shakespeare in which a merchant in Venice named Antonio defaults on a large loan provided by a Jewish moneylender, Shylock. It is believed to have been written between 1596 and 1599.
 In 16th-century Venice, Bassanio (Joseph Fiennes) hopes to wed Portia (Lynn Collins). But to have a chance at winning her hand in marriage, he needs to have a lot of money -- a critical resource he lacks. And because Bassanio's rich friend Antonio (Jeremy Irons) is unable to help, he's forced to make a deadly deal with pitiless moneylender Shylock (Al Pacino). Bassanio will get his money -- and without paying interest. If he doesn't pay it back, however, he will owe Shylock a pound of his flesh.

 Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice is a simple story line with three distinct plot lines incorporated into each other intricately. These three plot lines are the bond plot, the casket plot, and the ring plot, each equally vital to the meaning and conclusion of the play.
 The Merchant of Venice Summary. Antonio, an antisemitic merchant, takes a loan from the Jew Shylock to help his friend to court Portia. Antonio can't repay the loan, and without mercy, Shylock demands a pound of his flesh. The heiress Portia, now the wife of Antonio's friend, dresses as a lawyer and saves Antonio.

 Shylock lends the money to Antonio with some slightly gory conditions. Bassanio approaches the Jewish moneylender, Shylock, and asks to borrow 3000 ducats with Antonio as a bond . Shylock points out that Antonio's money is invested at sea, and a loan is risky because the ships might sink or be attacked by pirates.
Mercy, Portia tells those who would exact justice, “droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath.” When mercy is unreservedly dispensed, it becomes “the throned monarch better than his crown;” it is “an attribute of God himself.” We are most God-like when we are most merciful
At  the  End  
 The celebration, however, is cut short by the news that Antonio has indeed lost his ships, and that he has forfeited his bond to Shylock. Bassanio and Gratiano immediately travel to Venice to try and save Antonio's life. After they leave, Portia tells Nerissa that they will go to Venice disguised as men.

 The Merchant of Venice can be classified as a tragedy because it contains the rather sinister elements generally found in tragedies and the play Antigone can be considered a tragedy, because of the severe consequences of the story's proceedings. ... In this play, Shylock is the tragic hero because he has a tragic flaw.


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