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Organ Systems

  human body is made up of several organ systems that work together as one unit. Organ systems fit between the hierarchical levels   of organs and the organism. Ten major organ systems of the body are listed below along with several organs that are associated with each system. It is important to keep in mind that these organ systems don't just exist as individual units. The final product of these cooperating systems is one unit call unit called the body

1. Circulatory System

The main function of the circulatory system is to transport nutrients and gasses to cells and tissues throughout body. This is accomplished by the circulation of blood. Two components of this system are the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems.
Cardiovascular: This system is comprised of the heart, blood, and blood vessels. The beating of the heart drives the cardiac cycle which pumps blood throughout body.

Lymphatic: This system is a vascular network of tubules and ducts that collect, filter, and return lymph to blood circulation. As a component of the immune system, the lymphatic system produces and circulates immune cells called lymphocytes.
Lymphatic organs: lymph vessels, lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, tonsils.

2. Digestive System

The digestive system breaks down food polymers into smaller molecules to provide energy for the body.

Digestive juices and enzymes are secreted to break down the carbohydrates, fat, and protein in food.
  • Primary organs: mouth, stomach, intestines, rectum 
  • Accessory organs: teeth, tongue, liver, pancreas.
  • 3. Endocrine System

    The endocrine system regulates vital processes in the body including growth, homeostasis, metabolism, and sexual development.
    Endocrine organs secrete hormones to regulate body processes.

    • Endocrine structures: pituitary gland, pineal gland, thymus, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland.
    • 4. Integumentary System

      The integumentary system protects the internal structures of the body from damage, prevents dehydration, stores fat and produces vitamines and hormones.
    • Integumentary structures: skin, nails, hair, sweat glands

      5. Muscular System

      The muscular system enables movement through the contraction of muscles.
    • Structures: muscles.
    • 6. Nervous System

      The nervous system monitors and coordinates internal organ function and responds to changes in the external environment.
    • Structures: brain, spinal cord, nerves.

  • 7. Respiratory System

    The respiratory system provides the body with oxygen via gas exchange between air from the outside environment and gases in the blood.
  • Respiratory organs: lungs, nose, trachea, bronchi.
  • 8. Skeletal System

    The skeletal System: This system supports and protects the body while giving it shape and form.
  • Structures: bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, cartilage.
  • .9 Urinary/Excretory System

    The urinary/excretory System removes wastes and maintains water balance in the body.
  • Structures: kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, ureters.
  • .10 Reproductive System

    The reproductive system enables the production of offspring through sexual reproduction. It is comprised of male and female reproductive organs and structures which produce sex cells and ensure the growth and development of offspring.


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