home beauty remedies can be found in your kitchen
cupboard and you can whip up some amazing beauty remedies
that are good enough even to eat.So here are some
delicious skin treating remedies .-
x-large;">Strawberry and honey antibacterial face mask-
data-ad-client="ca-pub-6386025966277781" data-ad-slot="2789191356"> Honey has a great anti bacterial properties and can be used to reduce acne while strawberries absorb oil and soothe blemishes .
Making- Cut some strawberries in half and crush with spoon and then add a table spoon of honey as required .The best thing about this is that you can eat it while you go.

- Rich and creamy banana and yoghourt moisturizer -
Making- Blend a banana and half a pot of natural yoghurt together into a smooth consistency , add a table spoon of honey and apply to a freshly washed face once every two weeks.
- Smooth and silky Avocado hair mask-
Making- You need an Avocado , two table spoons of olive oil and a couple of squirts of juices from a lemon .Combine all the ingredients in bowl ,smooth into your hair like a regular hair mask.Wait for fifteen minutes and rinse off.Follow up your regular shampoo to eliminate the olive oil from your hair roots.

Green Tea soothing eye bags.-
If you want to remove the effect of a busy and stressful week ,then green tea can help you.Green tea has anti -inflammatory properties and it can slow down the signs of aging ,as well as being soothing for tired eyes.
Making- Boil your green tea bags as normal and then put the mug in the fridge until eye bags are actually cool,squeeze out the excess liquid and then apply to your eyes like you would slices of cucumber , once you are done you can even drink your cool green tea for inner boost.
Blueberry face scrub-
To make the scrub the ingredients you need are- 1,table spoon of brown sugar ,2 table spoon of honey, and a handful of blue berries.
Blitz the ingredients in a bowl and apply it to your face and neck in small circular movements.Then gently remove it with warm cloth for beautiful buffed skin.

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