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The  new  British   invention   will  transform  the  lives  of  millions   who  have  to  endure    injections  of  insulin  every  day.

Health  experts  say   that  the   artificial   pancreas  is  as  good  as  cure   because  it  means  patients  will no  longer    have   to  manage  the  condition  themselves .
The  wrist -watch  sized device  is  surgically    implanted   into  the  abdominal  cavity   and  releases  a  precise  amount  of   insulin   into  the  blood  -stream.Supplies    are  topped  up   via  a  short  tube  which   passes  through  the  skin.
For  this  ,  Human  trial    are  set  to  start   2016  with  the  first    implants  taking  place  on  the  NHS  within  ten years.Inventor   Joan  Taylor ,professor   of  pharmacy    at  De  Mont fort   University  ,Leicester , said,"It  works   like  a  healthy  pancreas  aid: “It works like a healthy pancreas should, regulating blood sugar by releasing just enough insulin into your bloodstream. You don’t need to fill it up every day, , so avoid painful daily   injections.
We are extremely close to embarking on clinical trials. Could the procedure to fit it be available on the NHS? Definitely – hopefully within a decade. Diabetes is already an epidemic and it’s going to soon become a scourge on society.” 
The implant contains a reservoir surrounded by a special gel which slowly releases the hormone insulin as blood sugar levels rise. As levels drop, the gel solidifies, ensuring the right amount of insulin is released.

It would cost £5,000 for the device and surgery to fit it.
The artificial pancreas will help all Type 1 insulin-dependent diabetics and some suffering Type 2 who need daily injections.
The prototype has taken 20 years and £1million to create with money from the NHS, the Lachesis Fund, which invests in research at the university, and the charitable Edith Murphy Foundation. The rest has come from private backers.



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