ALONG WITH hydro power and fossil fuels the Earth has other resource of energy as well.these include geothermal heat which comes from the depth of the Earth.The heat of the Earth normally comes out on the surface . in destructive ways in many volcanic regions, and at other places such as Iceland this heat is released through "quiet volcanism"high temperatures prevail deep inside the Earth's surface, which can be used to produced energy with the help of geothermal power plants.Energy can also be obtained from plants in the form of bio gas or fuel from sugarcane , which is used to run a number of cars in countries like Brazil.
HOW DO GEOTHERMAL POWER WORK Geothermal power plants covert the thermal energy of the Earth into electricity .This is truly worthwhile in those areas where the upper layers of the Earth have a temperature of more than 100degree C,such as Iceland or several parts of Italy .Hot steam at a temperature of over 150degreeC. can be used directly to drive the turbines.Other processes that use the heat of the Earth at a depth of several kilometers are still in the trial stage.In these processes ,water is pressed at a high pressure in hot rocky layers,where it heats up in artificially created cracks.From there , it is pumped again to the Earth's surface by means of a second drill.This heat can be used directly for heating or for generating electricity.
BIO GAS -Bio gas is a mixture of gases released when the remains of plants rot in the absence of oxygen .This happens in a natural way in dung heaps, as also in compost plants,garbage dumps and crops..In large bio gas plants the remains of plants are decomposed by bacteria in an air tight tank..The released gas is highly combustible because of its high methane content..The has almost unlimited supply of plants remains, which make bio gas an important source of energy from renewable raw materials.It can be used as gas for heating or for generating electricity.It can also be liquefied. easily and used as fuels for vehicles.
- The walk ways and streets in Iceland are heated through geothermal energy.
- The heat in the upper 3 km of the Earth's crust would theoretically be sufficient to provide us with energy for 100,000 years.
- The original inhabitants of New Zealand , the Maori,sometimes bake bread directly in the warm cracks of the Earth.These cracks get heated as a result of the volcanic activity in the northern island of the two New Zealand island.
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