Some significant breakthrough have recently been made in DNA research, with enormous implications for controlling and curing diseases reproducing identical organism or cloning.and decoding,or listing the sequence of the genes that compose an organism's DNA(genome sequencing),In May 1996 ,Oxford University scientists had identify the regulatory"switch"for the gene CFTR, which when defective ,causes cystic fibrosis.The discovery will potentially enable healthy copies of the gene to introduced into a patient's body, and activate in relevant cells
Genetictists have sequenced the genome of an organism larger than a bacterium, with enormous consequences for the future study into human genetics.
Other area of development include the use of highly specialized computer technology to provide long-distance medical care,and virtual reality environments for medical practice, training and research.
Genetictists have sequenced the genome of an organism larger than a bacterium, with enormous consequences for the future study into human genetics.
Other area of development include the use of highly specialized computer technology to provide long-distance medical care,and virtual reality environments for medical practice, training and research.
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