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  HAIR CUTS  DON'T  HURT.The   reason  is  quite  simple, because    hairs   are  made   of  dead  cells,so  we  don't  feel  pain.The  dead  hair  cells  are  filled  with   a  tough  ,    waterproof  protein  called  Keratin,  as are  nails,   and  the  skin  flakes  that  we   lose  daily  in  their  millions  from our  skin  surface.All  these  things    are  part  of  the   protective   overcoat  that  cover  and  protect   our  body. SKIN -  Skin  is   really   thin  but  quite   complex .Its  made  of  two  layers ; The  ...


    Piranha, also called caribe or piraya, any of more than 60 species of razor-toothed carnivorous fish of South American rivers and lakes, with a somewhat exaggerated reputation for ferocity. In movies such as Piranha (1978), the piranha has been depicted as a ravenous indiscriminate killer. Most species, however, are scavengers or feed on plant material.A piranha or piraña ( / p ɪ ˈ r ɑː n j ə / , / p ɪ ˈ r æ n j ə / , or / p ɪ ˈ r ɑː n ə / ; Portuguese:  [piˈɾɐ̃ɲɐ] , Spanish:  [piˈɾaɲa] ), a member of family Characidae in order Characiformes, is a freshwater fish that inhabits South American rivers, floodplains, lakes and reservoirs. Although often described as extremely predatory and mainly feeding on fish, their dietary habits vary extensively, and they will also take plant material,leading to their classification as omnivorous.  Piranhas belong to the subfamily Serrasalminae, which includes closely related omnivorous fis...


  OUR  BODY  HAS  A   BLOOD    TRANSPORT  SYSTEM.It   supplies    the   oxygen    needed  by  the   body cells  and  carries   off their    carbon-Di-oxide  waste.Lungs  work  very  hard  .Every  day  we  take.  about  23,000  breaths.Lungs   are  connected  to  a  wind pipe  called   trachea   .Each  comprises   many  branching   tubes   called    bronchioles.The  air  inhaled    by  us  passes   via  the trachea  into   the  lungs.Blood   in  the  lungs  collects   oxygen  and  takes  it  around  the  body.This  air ...


  Surgeons in Manchester have performed the first bionic eye implant in a patient with the most common cause of sight loss in the developed world. Ray Flynn, 80, has dry age-related macular degeneration which has led to the total loss of his central vision. He is using a retinal implant which converts video images from a miniature video camera worn on his glasses. He can now make out the direction of white lines on a computer screen using the retinal implant.  Mr Flynn said he was "delighted" with the implant and hoped in time it would improve his vision sufficiently to help him with day-to-day tasks like gardening and shopping  T he Argus II implant, manufactured by the US firm Second Sight, has previously been used to restore some vision to patients who are blind as a result of a rare condition known as retinitis pigmentosa.  The operation, at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, is the first time it has been implanted in a patient with age-related...


TO    REMAIN   HEALTHY   We   need   lot  of  things;a   right  amount  of  sleep ,exercise,fresh  air,healthy   food  and   also  having  friends. Healthy  food  means not  eating  too  much   and  not  eating   the  same  thing   always.Our  food  is  composed  of  three  components ;fats,carbohydrates,and  proteins.Carbohydrates  like  sugar and  starch   ,are  present  in  potatoes,and  rice.We  also  need  vitamins and  minerals,such  as   salt or  calcium .To  stay   healthy  also  need   to  brush   our  teeth   often and  keep  ourselves  clean  to  keep  away ...


  THE  WORD  'DEMOCRACY'   is  derived   from    the  Greek language  and  it  means'  rule  of  the  people'. In  a  democracy   all  citizens  are  free   and  have  equal   rights and     duties .The  fundamental   idea   of  this  form  of  the  government    comes  from  e }); ancient  Greece .At   that   time ,leaders   directly  addressed  the  crowd  and  the  decisions  about  the  laws  were   made  in  the  assemblies..In   today's  republics ,  the  procedure  is  more  elaborate and  structured.Elections  are   held  every  four  to  five...


  What Are Antibodies? Antibodies (also called immunoglobulins) are specialized proteins that travel thorough the blood stream and are found in bodily fluids. They are utilized by the immune system to identify and defend against foreign intruders to the body. These foreign intruders, or antigens, include any substance or organism that evokes an immune response. Bacteria, viruses, pollen, and incompatible blood cell types are examples of antigens that cause immune responses. Antibodies recognize specific antigens by identifying certain areas on the surface of the antigen known as antigenic determinants. Once the specific antigenic determinant is recognized, the antibody will bind to the determinant. The antigen is tagged as an intruder and labeled for destruction by other immune cells. Antibodies protect against substances prior to cell infection. Antibody Production Antibodies are produced by a type of whit...