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  "AN  APPLE   A  DAY   KEEPS  DOCTOR  AWAY"  The apple tree (Malus pumila, commonly and erroneously called Malus domestica) is a deciduous tree in the rose family best known for its sweet, pomaceous fruit, the apple. It is cultivated worldwide as a fruit tree, and is the most widely grown species in the genus Malus. The tree originated in Central Asia, where its wild ancestor, Malus sieversii, is still found today. Apples have been grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe, and were brought to North America by European colonists. Apples have religious and mythological significance in many cultures, including Norse, Greek and European Christian traditions. Apples are one of the most commonly consumed fruit types, likely due to their convenience, flavor, variety, and availability. There are thousands of known apple varieties in the world, however, in the United States about twenty or so are commercially available. They range in color (from red to green


    To   get in  shape  is  really   difficult  if  you  have   a    hectic   schedule  .You  have  no  time  to  exercising ,you  are  so busy  in  work.. So  there   are   some  health   tips  for  career  girls. Don't  skip  breakfast- Don't  skip  breakfast   because  grabbing  breakfast   will    stop  you  from  pigging   out  later  on  in  the  day.Make  sure   you  have     plenty  of  healthy  and  quick  breakfast    option  lined  up,  wholemeal  toast  ,porridge ,yogurt   and   granola   are  all  excellent  choices  for   morning  fuel. Prepare  meals  in  advance    - Prepare  your  dinner  in   advance and  put  them  in  the   freezer ,that  way  you  can    take  out your  dinner     in  the  morning  , go  to  work   and  pop  it  in  the  oven  when  you  return. Be  sure  the  meals   you  prepare   are  diverse   and  packed  with   good  ingredients  so  you  can  avoid  a  temptation   to  order  a  takeaway . Find  time  in  the  morni


    If  you   get  bored   from  the   web  viewing  the  same  stuff    over  and  over  again -social media  ,blogs,   news  etc  then  you  certainly   need  some  thing  different  that  can  soothe   your  soul and  give  you some  kind of entertainment  then  here  are some  sites  that  can  solve  your  purpose. Bored Panda ding mntl-sc-list-item-title" id="mntl-sc-block_2-0">   Bored Panda is the place you want to be when you want to discover interesting and visually appealing content. It's a blog that publishes regular updates on the coolest finds in travel, photography, illustration, animals, DIY, technology, design and all sorts of other great categories. You can also create an account to vote posts up or down. Brain Pickings .      Try expanding your knowledge by diving deep into the incredibly useful and thought-provoking blog posts on Brain Pickings, which is a popular blog run by MIT fello


    Internet cookies (the non-edible type) are tiny files stored on your hard drive by your browser that contain information about your visit to a particular website, like login status, personalization, and advertising preferences, etc. Most of the time, cookies make browsing much more enjoyable by keeping you logged in to a site you visit frequently or remembering the several questions you've already answered at your favorite polling site. Sometimes, however, a cookie may remember something you'd rather it didn't, or even become corrupted, resulting in a browsing experience that's less than enjoyable. This is when deleting cookies may be a good idea. You might also want to delete cookies if you're experiencing issues like 500 Internal Server or 502 Bad Gateway errors (among others), which are sometimes indications that the one or more cookies for a particular site are corrupted and should be removed. How Do I Del
   Smart phones  are very expensive.One can not   buy  them  frequently.So it   needs to be cared  and protected. Some of the tips  how to protect your smart phones.       1. Get a Case There’s nothing worse than dropping your phone and shattering the screen. It happens a lot, and there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to get it fixed. The answer is to protect your phone with a case. There are dozens to choose from for every model. If you know you often drop your phone, then get a case that will protect your phone against anything (even driving a truck over it!). It will make it heavier, but it’s worth it. Otherwise, a slimmer case or simple sleeve will do.      Protect Your Screen Speaking of screens, consider a screen protector. Some screens are made of a tough material and may not need them. However, a protector may keep your screen together if you drop the phone. It also means it’s harder to scratch your screen, which can affect its responsiveness. Get a protec


  /> When gas is blocked from escaping, diarrhea or constipation may be responsible.Gas pain can be so intense that doctors mistake the root cause for appendicitis, gallstones, or even heart disease.  , Many home remedies can help to release trapped gas or prevent it from building up. Some  effective methods are -  . Let it out Holding in gas can cause bloating, discomfort, and pain. The easiest way to avoid these symptoms is to simply let out the gas.  . Pass stool A bowel movement can relieve gas. Passing stool will usually release any gas trapped in the intestines. . Avoid chewing gum As a person chews gum they tend to swallow air, which increases the likelihood of trapped wind and gas pains.  . Say no to straws Often, drinking through a straw causes a person to swallow air. Drinking directly from a bottle can  have the same effect To avoid gas pain and bloating, it is best to sip from a glass. Quit smoking Whether using traditional or elect


  Being   grateful     can  help   you  to  keep  your  heart  healthy ,yes   this  is   true.According  to  a  new    research  ,published   by   the  American  Psychological   Association ,being  grateful    is  associated  with  better  mood,higher quality  sleep   and  less   inflammation  in  patients  with  asymptomatic  heart  failure . Recognizing    and   giving  thanks  for  the  positive   aspects   of  life  can  result  in   improved  mental   and  physical   health  in  patients   with  asymptomatic   heart  failure . "We  found  that  more   gratitude   in  these  patients  was  associated  with  better  mood ,better  sleep ,  less  fatigue  and  lower  levels  of  inflammatory   bio markers   related  to  cardiac  health  ,"said   author   Paul  J  mills  ,   professor   of  family  medicine  and  public  health  at  the  University  of   California , San Diego.   Gratitude  is  a  part  of a wider  out look  on  life  that  involves  a