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GoodGuide provides transparent information about products and brands to help consumers cut through confusing and sometimes misleading claims. GoodGuide's iPhone and Android apps give shoppers objective, science-based product ratings right in the shopping aisle.

 GoodGuide.Com was an online web, iPhone app and Android app tool which enabled consumers to retrieve evaluations of the health, environmental, and social impacts of consumer products such as toys, food, and detergents


 GoodGuide is your guide to all things that are good for you and good for the environment.  The GoodGuide app for iOS contains ratings for over 210,000 products in a variety of categories, including food, health and beauty aids, pet food, baby care and more.

GoodGuide allows consumers to screen products based on one's personal interests or concerns — organics, ingredient safety, energy-efficiency, animal welfare, climate change, etc., or any combination thereof. Users can easily dial these filters up and down to affect product choices.

 GoodGuide is your guide to all things that are good for you and good for the environment. The guide is available on the web and in a pocketable version that you can carry on your iPhone.

The GoodGuide app for iOS contains ratings for over 210,000 products in a variety of categories, including food, health and beauty aids, pet food, baby care and more. Each item is rated on a scale of 1 to 10 based on its social, health and environmental impact. You can quickly view an item's overall rating as well as detailed ratings for health, safety and environment. 

One of the most useful features of GoodGuide is its scanner tool that allows you to scan product barcodes to find out more about the items that you are about to purchase. The app lists information about the brand that makes the product, its ingredients and alternative products that you may be interested in buying.

 Through its website, online toolbar and smartphone application, GoodGuide provided tools for consumers to make purchasing decisions on the basis of the health, environmental and social impact of a product’s life cycle. These products are designed to provide consumers with this information right at the point of sale, to help them to apply their values to their purchases. The GoodGuide smartphone app read the bar codes on product labels using the phone's camera, and provides a summary of the product's score according to GoodGuide's rating system..


 Look for the words Danger, Warning, or Caution on the product label. “Danger” warnings are found on extremely hazardous products. “Warning” and “Caution” indicate less hazardous products. Products without warning labels are least hazardous.

 GoodGuide intends to make money by providing specialized data to retailers or institutional buyers, such as hospitals; it currently generates revenues when consumers go through GoodGuide's website or toolbar to make purchases on Amazon.

 GoodGuide's biggest drawback is that its product catalog includes only those items that are commercially available in the US. You can use the app outside the US, but the product information will be limited to those items that are available in the US.

 GoodGuide is available for free and is compatible with the iPhone. It requires iOS 7.


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