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operative systems

 An operating system (OS) is the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a boot program, manages all of the other application programs in a computer. The application programs make use of the operating system by making requests for services through a defined application program interface (API).

 An operating system is a set of programs that enables a user to operate and interact with a computer. Examples of operating systems are Linux distros (ubuntu, arch, open use, etc), Windows, Mac OS, FreeBSD), Android, IOS, etc.

 Operating System. Windows, Linux, and Android are examples of operating systems that enable the user to use programs like MS Office, Notepad, and games on the computer or mobile phone. It is necessary to have at least one operating system installed in the computer to run basic programs like browsers.

  Some examples of operating systems include Apple macOS, Microsoft Windows, Google's Android OS, Linux Operating System, and Apple iOS.

 It manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language. Without an operating system, a computer is useless.

 The purpose of a disk operating system is to enable the computer to transfer the data stored on a magnetic disk to another part of the computer: its main memory, known as RAM (Random Access Memory), the video screen or the printer.

 Classification of Operating Systems

Single-User: just allows one user to use the programs at one time. Multiprocessor: Supports opening the same program more than just in one CPU. Multitasking: Allows multiple programs running at the same time.

 Linux machine?

Linux® is an open source operating system (OS). An operating system is the software that directly manages a system's hardware and resources, like CPU, memory, and storage. The OS sits between applications and hardware and makes the connections between all of your software and the physical resources that do the work
Features of Operating Systems
  • Provides a platform for running applications.
  • Handles memory management and CPU scheduling.
  • Provides file system abstraction.
  • Provides networking support.
  • Provides security features.
  • Provides user interface.
  • Provides utilities and system services.
  • Supports application development.

The most common operating systems?

  • Microsoft Windows. Microsoft Windows first launched in 1993.
  • Mac OS. Despite being known as the main Windows alternative, macOS predates Windows.
  • Android OS. Android is a mobile operating system based on Linux and other open-source software
  • Linux
  • Ubuntu
  • Chrome OS. 
  • Fedora.

 There are mainly 5 popular operating systems: Apple macOS, Microsoft Windows, Google's Android OS, Linux Operating System, and Apple iOS. Note: There are more than 613 operating systems present in the world.









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