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Your energy levels and   mood.
you  feel  exhausted without you even doing  anything .This  is  due  to  malfunctioning  of  your  hormones.If your hormones aren’t balanced, it can lead to several malfunctions in you

The perfect balance

You can only function on your best when your hormone levels are in perfect balance.Then   you  can   work   enthusiastically  and  with  full  strength .But    Unfortunately, sometimes you don’t even know how your hormones influence your everyday life.Some    hormones  that   influence   your  everyday life   and    what    you   can  do  to  keep  them   balance  are-


 Too little thyroid hormone can lead to fatigue. But did you also know that too much thyroid can also cause tiredness? This is a very important hormone and it is important to keep it balanced. A healthy diet and enough sleep will help you to maintain that balance. Also, stress has a huge influence on your thyroid, therefore it is important to schedule some relaxing time.


The  sugar rush we get from a fizzy drink, gives  us energy boost   but  it won’t last long. Our insulin hormone gets a boost which gives us extra energy for a while. After the high is over it hits a low and we  feel even more tired than before. This leads to an another energy drink and so on. we  have to be careful with high sugared food and drinks, if we  focus on natural products without refined sugars our energy levels stay much more stable and we  will feel so much more energized during the day!


This one is a great one to reduce stress and lower your stress levels. It makes your blood pump faster and gives the brain extra oxygen. But a lot of people have a lack of cortisol in their system. But  you can easily fix this with a good cardio workout. Go for a run or try a high-intensity workout .



If you don’t get enough sleep your melatonin levels will drop and this might lead to stress, weight gain and in some cases even diabetes. So sleep is essential. For the melatonin hormone to do its job you need to make your room dark at night. Also, put away all electronics from your bedroom, Starting  at  your   laptop or cell phone right before going to bed has  a negative influence on your melatonin levels.
Remember it is always important to have a healthy lifestyle. Eat the right food .



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