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The marmosets , also known as zaris, are twenty-two New World monkey species of the genera Callithrix, Cebuella, Callibella and Mico. All four genera are part of the biological family Callitrichidae. The term marmoset is also used in reference to the Goeldi's marmoset, Callimico goeldii, which is closely related. 

 Most marmosets are about 20 centimetres (8 in) long. Relative to other monkeys, they show some apparently primitive features: they have claws rather than nails, and tactile hairs on their wrists. They lack wisdom teeth, and their brain layout seems to be relatively primitive. Their body temperature is unusually variable, changing by up to 4 °C (7 °F) in a day.Marmosets are native to South America and have been found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru.They have also been spotted in Central America and Mexico.They are also raised in captivity as pets. 
 Marmosets are highly active, living in the upper canopy of forest trees, and feeding on insects, fruit, and leaves. They have long lower incisors, which allow them to chew holes in tree trunks and branches to harvest the gum inside; some species are specialized feeders on gum.

 The favorite food of marmosets is carbohydrate-rich tree sap, which they reach by gnawing holes in trunks. Their territories are centered on the trees that they regularly exploit in this way. The smaller marmosets venture into the very top of forest canopies to hunt insects that are abundant there.
 These Monkeys don’t live in large groups, they will have 12 members at the most. They really do enjoy bonding and spend all their free time with each other. There show a great deal of sadness when one of their members dies. For the most part they are timid and get along with each other well.

There are a few predators that the Pygmy Marmoset has in their natural environment. The specific ones will depend on the location where they live. Raptors are a type of bird that can come into the canopies and consumes them. This includes Eagles, Hawks and more.

Humans are a huge problem for the survival of these delicate Monkeys. They continue to destroy their natural habitat. They also continue to take them and sell them as pets around the world. There are efforts in place to protect them but that still hasn’t stopped those with an agenda of their own from proceeding.



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