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Networks are connected to each other, and share vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently, using a protocol called TCP/IP​. During your time surfing the internet, you'll encounter common terms like TCP/IP, but you might not know what they mean. Some   of  terms  are - -

  • Web Server

 A web server is a generalized term referring to software or hardware that is dedicated to storing, processing, and delivering web pages to clients. It typically consists of a physical server, an operating system, and HTTP communication software.





  • Password

 A password is a set of letters, numbers, and special characters combined into one word or phrase used to authenticate a user's entry, registration, or membership on a website. The most useful passwords are hard to guess, kept secret, and intentionally unique.



  • Domain


A domain name is the unique, alphabetically-based part of a URL. It is officially registered with a domain registrar by a person, business, or non-profit organization, and it consists of two parts:

  1. The actual alphabetical word or phrase; for example, widget.
  2. The top-level domain name that designates what kind of site it is; for example, .com (for commercial domains), .org (for organizations), and .edu (for educational institutions).

Put these two parts together and you have a domain name:

  • Web Crawler.


A web crawler is also called a spider, spiderbot, web spider, or web robot. It is a software program that crawls the web and indexes site information for search engine databases like Google. The databases use crawlers to keep content up-to-date.
Crawlers are also used for maintenance tasks such as validating HTML code, checking hyperlinks, and gathering specific types of information from websites.

  • URL

 URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator. It's used to identify the location of files on the internet, including websites, images, videos, and more. Each website or file URL is unique.



  • Temporary Internet Files.


Every website you visit stores data (such as pages, videos, and audio) in a specific file folder on your computer. This data is cached so that the next time you visit a website it loads quickly and efficiently since much of the data has been loaded from the temporary internet files rather than from the site's server.
Temporary internet files take up memory on your computer. It's important to clear them out once in a while to manage your internet history and free up storage space on your computer.

  • Proxy Server.


A proxy server acts as an intermediary between a client and a web server. It shields people on the internet by hiding relevant information (such as their network address, location, and more) from websites and other networked users.
Proxy servers are also used for anonymous surfing. They act as a buffer between the searcher and a website, allowing users to view information without being tracked. They can also go the other way and block certain content from the searchers. For example, schools use proxy servers to ensure internet usage conforms to their acceptable use policies.

  • Offline

 To be offline means you are disconnected from the internet. Many people also use it to refer to doing something outside of the internet as well. For example, a conversation started on Twitter could be continued offline at a local coffee shop.


  • WHOIS.

 WHOI S is an internet utility used to search the DNS database of domain names, IP addresses, and Web servers. It tells whether or not a particular domain name is registered to a person, organization, or business. It also finds a domain name owner's contact information, technical information about the registered domain, date of purchase, and email addresses.



  • Firewall

 A firewall is a security measure designed to keep unauthorized computers, users, and networks from accessing data on another computer or network. They are especially important to web searchers since they potentially protect the user from malicious spyware and hackers encountered online.




  • Hyperlink.

 A hyperlink — the most basic building block of the web — is a link from one document, image, word, or web page to another. They are how you can browse pages and information quickly and easily.




  • SSL.

 The acronym SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It's a secure encryption web protocol used to safeguard data that is transmitted over the Internet. It's commonly used by shopping sites to keep financial data secure, but it's also used on any site that requests sensitive data (such as a password). When SSL is used on a website, "https://" appears in the site's URL.






  • TCP/IP

 The acronym TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. While they are two separate protocols, they're commonly used together to send data over the internet. Web browsers use them to communicate with web servers.




  • IP Address

 An IP address is the signature address, or number, of your computer when it's connected to the internet. IP addresses are given out in country-based blocks, so (for the most part) an IP address can identify where in the world the computer is located.




  • Web Hosting.

 A web host is an organization that offers space, storage, and connectivity for a website. A web hosting service provides space on a web server, as well as a direct internet connection, so the site can be viewed and interacted with by anyone on the internet.

 There are many kinds of web hosting and the sites they host range from basic one-page sites that need a small amount of space to enterprise-class customers who require entire data centers for their services.



Many web hosting companies provide a dashboard for customers so they can control different aspects of their web hosting services, including FTP, different content management system installs, and service package extensions.













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