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Pinterest is an American image sharing and social media service designed to enable saving and discovery of information on the World Wide Web using images and, on a smaller scale, GIFs and videos, in the form of pinboards.

 Pinterest is a highly visual virtual pin board site that lets you "pin" or collect images from the Web. You create boards to help you categorize your images and add descriptions to remind you why you bookmarked them in the first place.

 How Pinterest works is it lets its users post or “pin” original visuals, and as well as bookmark or “pin” them from across the Internet. These pins make up a theme-based virtual photo album or gallery known as a “board”. When a user saves a visual (image or video) to their Pinterest account, it becomes a Pin.

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 Pinterest is free to use for both individual people and businesses. A business account, which includes special promotion and analytics functions, is free as well. If you want a little more information, read below to learn about the different types of
  accounts you can sign up for.

 Pinterest is as safe to use as most other social media websites because users must sign in, and password protect their accounts. It also does not require you to enter personal or financial information, so you have little to compromise by signing up. You biggest concerns are spam or scams from other users.

  • You  can  earn  money   from  pinterest. 
 Re-pin others' pins to win an audience and make money. Pinterest is a social network, so the easiest way to get people to re-pin your pins is to be active. Pin others' pins, particularly those people in your target audience. They will notice you, and may even start following your boards

 Pinterest is a visual discovery engine for finding ideas like recipes, home and style inspiration, and more. With billions of Pins on Pinterest, you'll always find ideas to spark inspiration. When you discover Pins you love, save them to boards to keep your ideas organized and easy to find.

 You Should Use Pinterest for Marketing
  • Pinterest Converts More Browsers Into Buyers. 
  • Pinterest Drives Tons of Traffic.
  • Pins Get You More Inbound Links.
  • User Engagement Is Addictively High.
  • Pinterest Integrates With Your Website, Twitter Account, and Facebook Profile. 
  • Discover What Your Audience Loves.
  •  Pinterest stands out because it is unique, while the other popular social media sites focus on content and messages, Pinterest focuses on images. 1. ... Everywhere you look on Pinterest you see pictures. Content marketing is getting really popular and on sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc.
  •   Pinterest is far better than Instagram. Because of their algorithm. Both are a visual platform where you can upload videos and photos. You can see the organic drop in Instagram.





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