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Coffee is a beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of the tropical evergreen coffee plant. Coffee is one of the three most popular beverages in the world (alongside water and tea), and it is one of the most profitable international commodities.

The beans you brew are actually the processed and roasted seeds from a fruit, which is called a coffee cherry. The coffee cherry's outer skin is called the exocarp. Beneath it is the mesocarp, a thin layer of pulp, followed by a slimy layer called the parenchyma.

   The unofficial and fun form of Coffee is Chill Out Fridays For Every E. This is because it is a beverage of relaxation and also gives us an added edge. 

 Packed with antioxidants and vitamins such as riboflavin, magnesium, and potassium, coffee can help to lessen depression, promote a healthy heart, and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, liver disease, and liver cancer.

 The main constituents of coffee are caffeine, tannin, fixed oil, carbohydrates, and proteins. It contains 2–3% caffeine, 3–5% tannins, 13% proteins, and 10–15% fixed oils.

  Coffee benefits

  • Enhanced energy levels.
  • Reduced body fat.
  • Increased physical activity.
  • Reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes.
  • Reduced risk of liver disease.
  • Reduced risk of Alzheimer's.
  • Reduced risk of Parkinson's.
  • Enhanced heart health.


 Excessive amounts of coffee, however, can in many individuals cause very unpleasant, exceptionally even life-threatening side effects. Therefore, elderly persons are recommended to take moderate amounts of coffee which will not cause any health impairments.

 Drinking two to three cups of coffee a day was linked to the largest reduction in early death, compared to people who drank no coffee, according to the statement. Ground coffee consumption lowered the risk of death by 27%, followed by 14% for decaffeinated, and 11% for instant caffeinated coffee

 Coffee can be brewed in several different ways, but these methods fall into four main groups depending on how the water is introduced to the coffee grounds: decoction (through boiling), infusion (through steeping), gravitational feed (used with percolators and in drip brewing), or pressurised percolation . 


 Espresso is a coffee-brewing method of Italian origin, in which a small amount of nearly boiling water is forced under 9–10 bars of pressure through finely-ground coffee beans. Espresso can be made with a wide variety of coffee beans and roast degrees.

 Espresso typically has 63 mg of caffeine in 1 ounce (the amount in one shot), according to Department of Agriculture nutrition data. Regular coffee, by contrast, has 12 to 16 mg of caffeine in every ounce, on average. That means that ounce for ounce, espresso has more caffeine.



 cappuccino is a coffee drink that today is typically composed of a single espresso shot and hot milk, with the surface topped with foamed milk

A cappuccino boasts a much stronger espresso flavor than a latte due to having less milk and more foam than a latte.


 A latte or caffè latte is a milk coffee that is a made up of one or two shots of espresso, steamed milk and a final, thin layer of frothed milk on top. If you don't drink dairy milk, you can easily swap it for a plant-based alternative like soy, oat or coconut milk.









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