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In    the  first   ever  attempt   .China    has  unveils    world's  first    facial  recognition   ATM(Automated tellerMachine) ,that  is  , it  can   recognize    the  person   who  operated  at the  ATM.

China has unveiled the world’s first facial recognition ATM.
The new cash machine was developed by Tsinghua University, a research university in Beijing, and Tzekwan Technology, a Hangzhou-based company specializing in financial security protection, Chinese state media reported.
“This technology will ensure the greater security of card owners," said Gu Zikun, Tzekwan chairman and anti-graft expert.
The product has passed government certification and will soon be available on the market, he said. 
 The ATM works by mapping facial data and matching it against an ID database. The technique, commonly used in surveillance, is called biometric authentication and uses facial feature and iris recognition. As well as preventing people from accessing the accounts of others, the ATM can identify fake notes. 
 The machine is 20 per cent more accurate at verifying the authenticity of multiple currencies compared with the average ATM used globally, said Gu. 

New technology is designed to crack down on financial fraudsters by using big data.





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