human nose can distinguish around 4000 different substances.We use
our nose to breathe and to smell.We can differentiate the god and bad
odor.Smell floats in the air.We smell things we take in air
through our noses.The sensory cells in the nose,detect the smell and
send message to the brain.Our sense of smell also help our sense of
taste.So, our sense of smell and taste are closely linked.
Our tongue receptors differentiate only four types of taste qualities; sweet,sour,salt,and bitter.There are thousands of taste buds all over the tongue.These survive only for a matter of days under go rapid and continuous replacement.Each taste bud consist of sensory cells that are connected to the mid brain through taste fibers.The sensors send massage to the brain about what we are eating.The front of the tongue taste sweet things,the sides of the tongue taste salty and sour things.The back of the tongue tastes bitter things.The tongue can also feel heat,cold,and pain.Many of the things that we may think that we are tasting ,we are actually smelling.Our nose is our personal air conditioning system;it warms cold air,cools hot air and filters impurities.
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Our tongue receptors differentiate only four types of taste qualities; sweet,sour,salt,and bitter.There are thousands of taste buds all over the tongue.These survive only for a matter of days under go rapid and continuous replacement.Each taste bud consist of sensory cells that are connected to the mid brain through taste fibers.The sensors send massage to the brain about what we are eating.The front of the tongue taste sweet things,the sides of the tongue taste salty and sour things.The back of the tongue tastes bitter things.The tongue can also feel heat,cold,and pain.Many of the things that we may think that we are tasting ,we are actually smelling.Our nose is our personal air conditioning system;it warms cold air,cools hot air and filters impurities.


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