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Lemon juice is vital for many of its uses at home, plus it has real healing power. After use of the fruit or the juice, keep the peels, as they have some uses. (Freezing them is a great option!)
Lemons provide a natural remedy to some ailments and they are also helpful for in cleaning, beauty care, and cooking — plus they smell great.
The juice left in the rind of the fruit can be helpful in lightening age spots and for cooking in the kitchen. Lemons have antibacterial properties that make it very useful for clean cutting boards and other surfaces.
Some  other  uses  of  lemon  peels  are  -

  • Reduces Cholesterol in the Body

Lemon peels are also effective at reducing the cholesterol levels in the body, ensuring that the heart has a better chance of maintaining a healthy state. This is also due to the high levels of flavonoids present in the peels. Less cholesterol in the body means better well being.

  • Remove Odors From Hands

If you've ever chopped onions or garlic you know that the scent can linger far beyond meal prep — even after hand-washing or showering. Rubbing your hands liberally with lemon peels, including the nails and the fingers, can help cut the smell and leave your hands smelling clean and fresh. The peels are also beneficial for cleansing the face.

  • White Teeth

The lemon leftovers you throw away can also help improve your oral health and may even help you attain a pearly white smile! Lemon peels help to whiten your teeth by effectively removing stains and the dullness. After using the peels on the teeth, it is essential to rinse your mouth with fresh water. You will note a difference in the appearance of the teeth within a few uses.

  • Anti Dandruff

Rubbing lemon peels on the scalp helps fight dandruff and can even aide in preventing it! Use regularly to cleanse and hydrate your scalp to keep the flakes at bay.

  • Travel Sickness

Lemon leftovers can help to improve your general health and well being.  If you are going on trip or tour, it is essential to take some lemon peels with you! Lemon peels can help prevent and control motion sickness.  Simply chew on or smell the peels as you travel.

  • Softening Dry Elbows

Mixing the peels with some baking soda is an effective way to treat dry, itchy elbows. Twist the peel to obtain the juice and rub on your elbow. You can then mix with the baking soda.

  • Fights Cancers

Lemon peels are essential for both the treatment, though a healthy lifestyle, and the prevention of cancer. This is the case especially for breast cancer. Lemon peels have d-limonene in them, which some studies suggest may play a role in preventing or slowing certain cancers, or enhancing the effectiveness of cancer treatments.

  • Treatment of Oxidative Stress

The lemon leftovers or peels are effective in the treatment of oxidative stress in the body. The peels contain bio-flavonoids in larger amounts than the fruits and can be used to help reduce oxidative stress. This can lead to a healthier, more active lifestyle as the peels can help your body to better sooth aching joints.

  • Keep the Fridge Fresh

The fridge sometimes may have a nasty smell even after cleaning. To maintain a fresh and nice smell in the fridge, use lemon peels! Not only do they smell nice, they can help absorb unpleasant odors.


  • Chewing raw lemon peels can be used as a way to prevent bleeding gum like problems.
    Put lemon peels inside your microwave for almost 20 seconds. Use it for cleaning the microwave and stove.
  •  It can be used as a household cleaner. In order to do so, fill a jar with lemon peels and vinegar up to the brim. Keep it for 10 days. Remove the peels and use as a cleanser on ceramics, porcelain and laminated surfaces.
  • Lemon peels have enough of acid to make the uppermost skin layer to vanish thus also vanishing age spots.
  • Hot tea with lemon peels helps fight skin cancer.
  • It can be lightly rubbed on your skin as it will act as a skin tonic.
    Vitamin C and Vitamin P present in the lemon peel helps to keep a check on the sugar level in the body.
  • Lemon peels present in your bathing water will help you feel fresh and smell great after a bath.
  •  The lemon peel have enough fiber to promote healthy movement of bowels.
  • It keeps a check on heart related diseases like strokes, heart diseases and heart attacks.
  • Lemon peels places at windowsills, door entrances and any sorts of cracks will prevents pest and ants to get in. Ants particularly hate lemons. So your ant problem is gone for sure. Also lemon peels will help you keep away roaches and fleas.
    It can also be placed in dustbins to control the foul smell, hence flies. A lot of diseases can be prevented by this.
  •  It also cures osteoporosis, bone fractures, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory polyarthritis, osteoarthritis, bone fracture, etc on raw consumption as it contains calcium (which is necessary for good bones) along with Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin C present in the lemon peels help treat flu, sore throat, cold, etc. For this, you may eat the lemon peel raw.
    The lemon peel can be dried, grated and used in soups or broths for a wonderful essence.
  •  Lemon has citric acid in them, thus with baking soda it can be used to scrub off minor stains in sinks or bathtubs. For instance, sprinkle baking soda on sinks and bathtubs and leave it on for a minute or two. Then rub off the stains with a lemon peel. Wash off to get your new sink or bathtub.
  •  The citric acid that is left in the lemon peel can also be used as a scrub to clean utensils. Put a handful of lemon peels into the dishwasher and you can get a set of very nice smelling dishes. Also you can use a lemon peel directly on some stubborn stains to get rid of them.
  •  , It  can be used to remove grease/sweat stains on clothes. But for this the lemon peel won’t be sufficient. When you squeeze the lemon, rub the remains on the grease or sweat marks. Leave them over night. Wash off  the next morning.



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