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Cloves are full of antioxidants. These compounds help your body to fight free radicals, which damage your cells and can lead to disease. By removing free radicals from your system, the antioxidants found in cloves can help reduce your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Cloves have many potential health benefits, including keeping blood sugar in check and helping block the growth of bacteria. As with many healthy foods, they're most effective when included as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

 The germicidal properties of clove oil make it a very effective remedy for dental pain, toothache, sore gums and mouth ulcers. Clove oil treats respiratory ailments like bronchitis, colds, sinusitis and asthma because of its anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antibacterial properties.

 If you are facing the problem of trembling hands and feet, you can consume 1-2 cloves with lukewarm water before bedtime. You will get benefit in a few days. To get rid of the problem of cold, cough, viral infection, bronchitis, sinus, asthma etc., you should consume cloves daily.

Clove oil helps in reducing the sagginess of the skin and prevents the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is a powerful anti-aging ingredient used in most cosmetics. It removes the dead skin cells and helps in blood circulation, which indirectly or directly ensures a youthful and radiant looking skin.

Clove oil has biological activities, such as antibacterial, antifungal, insecticidal and antioxidant properties, and is used traditionally as a savoring agent and antimicrobial material in food . In addition, clove oil is used as an antiseptic in oral infections .

  Consuming cloves at night can help relieve stomach problems like constipation, diarrhoea, acidity, It also improves your digestion. - Clove is rich in antioxidants and has antibacterial properties.

Clove oil for hair gain is a proven fact. These oils act as a natural remedy, free from any form of additives and perfumes. Vital vitamins help improve the growth of your locks. Additionally, using clove oil to massage your scalp will enhance blood circulation and secure oxygen supply to your roots and follicles.

 It contains allicin

which is a compound that helps with controlling blood pressure. It also prevents cardiovascular diseases and lowers bad cholesterol percentage. Eating one clove of garlic daily is enough to see its benefits.

The Gerarde herbal states that cloves strengthen the stomach, liver, and heart; is a digestive aid; and provoke urine. The oil from cloves when dropped into the eyes sharpen sight and cleans away any cloud or web.

Cloves can be used whole or ground. People often include ground cloves in spice mixes and whole cloves in recipes to add depth and flavor to a wide variety of foods. These small dark brown pods are used to spice up curries, season meats, enrich sauces like Worcestershire sauce, and even flavor spiced baked goods.

 Clove essential oil has stimulating properties that help in easing anxiety, stress and reduce fatigue. A soothing clove oil massage can calm you down and lift-ups the energy.

 Clove oil acts as an expectorant for treating respiratory disorders, including colds, bronchitis, cough, asthma, and upper-respiratory conditions [. In mixtures with honey, it helps in the case of chronic coughs and is mentioned to be specifically useful in the case of shortness of breath.

  • How to consume cloves.

Clove contains a concocting agent that makes it useful both internally and on the skin. To get its benefits, chew 2 cloves before going to bed at night. After this, drink 1 glass of lukewarm water. This will help get rid of many problems including acne. 











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