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Now   people  are turning to the Web for entertainment,  including  movies, TV shows, and videos. Some  sites are the best on the Web for finding all sorts of multimedia, anything from documentaries to classic TV shows to action-packed movies  made for popcorn and soda. These are free resources that anyone can use. Here  are  some  sites   that  you  can  enjoy  on  the  net.
  • Surf The Channel: Surf The Channel is a great source for hundreds of different shows in a wide range of categories. It's a video search engine, so you can use it find movies, TV shows, videos, short films, and animation – all in the same place.
  • IMDB: IMDB, also known as the Internet Movie Database, has added free full length movies and TV shows to its already large and informative site. You can also use IMDB to look up information about any actor: upcoming movies, current projects, images, and movie trailers.
  • PublicDomainTorrents: Public Domain Torrents is a goldmine of free classic movies, mostly films that are considered "B" movies. These are all movies that are in the public domain, free to download.
  • Metacafe: An eclectic collection of videos here; anything from homemade to cartoons and more. Metacafe offers several multimedia channels: movies, games, music, TV, sports, and more.
  • DailyMotion: DailyMotion is a community-curated site, with millions of viewers visiting every month to share, upload, and watch videos. Movie trailers, gaming videos, extreme sports, and technology videos can all be found here.

  • StumbleVideo: StumbleVideo is for the channel flipper in us. You can let StumbleVideo choose what videos you'd like to see (which can be quite fascinating), or you can personalize your preferences so StumbleVideo only delivers the videos that you're personally interested in.
  • StupidVideos: StupidVideos is dedicated to finding the best viral videos on the Web; this includes mostly extreme sports videos, comedy, bloopers, animals, funny commercials, parodies, and much more. All videos are submitted by users or Stupid-videos staff

  • "FORA delivers discourse, discussions and debates on the world's most interesting political, social and cultural issues, and enables viewers to join the conversation." Basically, is a fantastic source to find news-oriented videos and programming from around the world, on a wide variety of topics.
    VideoJug: Video-jug offers a very large collection of how-to videos within several different genres ranging from Beauty to Technology. The videos are professionally produced, easy to follow and understand, and offer quick tips on many different issues.
  • Movie Scripts, Mistakes, Trailers and More

  • PublicDomainTorrents: Classic movies and B-movies, all totally free.
  • The Internet Movie Script Database: You can read entire scripts of movies here; what a great site.
  • MovieMistakes: Ever wonder if you've seen something that is supposed to be there in the movie? Check MovieMistakes to see if you're right.
  • Be the first to see upcoming movie trailers on your block.
  • JumpCut: Make your own movies using your own music, slides, or video clips
  • Drive-In Theater: When you want to find a drive-in theater, use this site.
  • Cinema Treasures Theater Guide: Lists of all theaters worldwide that are currently showing classic films.
  • Double Feature Finder: "Find local showtimes scheduled back-to-back and spend the entire day at the movies!"
    • 80s Movies Rewind: Your best bet to find information about some of the best movies ever made .  in the 80's.
    • Flixster: Get movie ratings of current movies from community members; great way to preview movies.






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