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Anti   Aging   food   will  help  you  to  live  longer  and  healthy  life .These  are   food  which  gives  you   more  energy  and   decrease  your    risk  for   illness  .
Some  anti -aging   foods  are -

  • Avocados.

  Avocados are one of the best foods around for anti-aging and longevity because  they  are filled with healthy fats and other nutrients to help your body live longer and work.




  • Vegetables.

  Vegetables are a great source of nutrients and antioxidants. Not only that, but vegetables also help you lose weight. Eat five to nine servings every day to help your body make repairs and live longer.





  • Berries.

  Berries are a great source of antioxidants and other nutrients. Eat more strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries to help with anti-aging and longevity. Not only do berries fight free radicals that cause damage to your body, they also provide other essential nutrients. Work berries into your weekly diet.





  • Green Tea.


Green tea is an ancient drink for good health and longevity. The antioxidant benefits of daily consumption of green tea are well known. A little drink of green tea a couple of times a day could do wonders for your life expectancy. 
  • Melons.

 Melons  are also a great source of a wide range of vitamins.  Melons are a delicious source of vitamins and other nutrients. Watermelons and cantaloupe are easy-to-find and inexpensive sources of great anti-aging foods. Add melons to your daily foods for a big healthy boost to your diet.




  • Beans.

  Beans are a great anti-aging and longevity food. They provide healthy protein without all the fat that you find in animal products. Beans also provide a big supply of antioxidants that prevent damage by free radicals. Work beans into your weekly menu for their anti-aging properties.




  • Walnuts.

     Walnuts are the perfect snack for anti-aging. They give you protein and omega-3s in a safe, convenient form. Walnuts are a great anti-aging food because of the amount of omega-3s in just a handful. These omega-3 fatty acids are real longevity tools. They prevent dementia and keep your brain young while fighting off heart disease by improving your cholesterol.



  • Water.

 Our bodies need water to fight off aging and damage. Drink lots of water every day to keep your body functioning well. Drinking lots of water is a good thing, even if it is only because you are not drinking other sugary beverages.



  • Chocolate


Recent research shows that eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate also brings health benefits to your heart. The antioxidants in dark chocolate protect your heart against aging, damage, and heart disease. 










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