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 some of the absolute best apps you'll want to consider downloading and making good use of this year. 



 Shabaam is a new one that takes the GIF trend to another level by allowing you to spice up your favorite GIFs with some added audio.

Choose a GIF from the app's extensive GIF library and then use your device to record your voice (or any sound of your choice) to be dubbed over the GIF. The final product is a short video (because it can't remain in GIF format due to the audio) that you can save to your device or share through other apps. 

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 Yarn is for the mobile user who wants something different than a cool video game to play or a great book to read. The app features a large library of stories told in text message format as if you were snooping through somebody else's phone and reading their conversations. 

 Episodes and conversations are updated daily, and you can enjoy stories from several categories, including mystery, romance, comedy, sci-fi, fantasy, and others.

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  Calm is a free app geared toward beginners. It offers short, guided meditation sessions ranging from three to 25 minutes. Sessions focus on various topics, including anxiety reduction, stress management, improved sleep, breaking bad habits, cultivating gratitude, and more. 

In addition to individual sessions, hundreds of programs are available if you're interested in a long-term meditation challenge. There's also an option for unguided meditation sessions with a timer and more than 30 soothing nature sounds.


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 Fabulous is an entertaining and interactive habit app that helps you improve your energy levels, fitness, sleep, and productivity. Based on scientifically proven techniques, you're challenged to complete daily meditation, work, creativity, exercise, and other types of self-improvement sessions to help you change your habits in as little as 19 days. 


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  Noisli lets you conveniently mix sounds to create your own sound combos. Its simple, minimal interface lets you select the sounds you want and adjust the volume to create the perfect sound ambiance.

Choose from sounds like rain, thunderstorms, wind, waves, birds, and more. Set a timer for your sound combo with an optional fade out feature and save your combos to listen to them again and again. You can listen to all sound creations offline, so you never have to worry about remaining connected to the internet.


The Google Files Go app file storage manager helps you find files faster, free up space, and share files quickly with others while you're offline. You can use it to delete old photos quickly, identify duplicate files, get rid of apps you no longer use, and clean up anything else that needs to go in a snap.

One of the best parts about this app is that files can be shared between Android users, similar to Apple AirDrop. As long as you're physically close to another Android user using Files Go, you can quickly share photos, videos, and other files without using the interne

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 Remindee is a simple app that lets you create reminders from anywhere within your device—no matter what app you're currently browsing.

Just tap the share button and then tap the Remind Me option to create a reminder. Set the date and time you want for your reminder, and you're finished. You also have the option to create a reminder by copying a selection of text, which can come in handy when your reminder is based on a longer message or paragraph of information. 


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Messenger Lite for Android is a simplified version of the original app. It offers all the core features without the inconvenience of slowing down your phone. It's a good choice for those who use it relatively infrequently, just for quick chats here and there.

Messenger Lite is a great alternative to Messenger on older Android devices. It's also ideal for staying connected to people when you're chatting from locations with limited internet connectivity. 


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This app goes beyond common editing features like cropping and applying filters. It offers unique tools like superimposed imagery, photo mixing, layering, blending, and more that appeal to your creative side.  

If you're a professional or amateur photographer who wants to explore your interests in abstract, contemporary, or street art, this app can help you unlock your true potential. Photo sessions are always auto-saved, so you can return to the app later to finish your work

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