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  • An online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily played through the Internet or any other computer network available. 
  • The design of online games can range from simple text-based environments to the incorporation of complex graphics and virtual worlds.

 Online gaming, electronic game playing over a computer network, particularly over the Internet. Screen from World of Warcraft, a “massively multiplayer” online game (MMOG).


Simple, easy-to-operate, and user-friendly are the most important characteristics of an interface for consideration when playing an online game. Additionally, playing online games can help the students relax and relieve pressure, improve their concentration as well as enhance their creativity.

 It's true that some studies have shown certain video games can improve hand–eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and the mind's ability to process information. But too much video game playing may cause problems.  And kids who play violent video games might act more aggressively.

The games can confuse gamers the difference between games/fantasy and reality. It also affects the social life of children if they ditch others because they'd rather spend their time online. Gaming can cause obesity and other severe health problems. 

If you spend too much time playing video games you could develop a gaming disorder. ... A comprehensive study from the Journal of Health Psychology shows that gaming disorders are linked to greater levels of loneliness, anxiety, depression, sleeping problems, social problems and many other psychological-social problems.

  Best Websites for Free Online Games

  • 247 Games. Best For: Classic games, card games and puzzles. 
  • Addicting Games. Best For: Single-player games
  • Armor Games. Best For: Games available as apps; MMO games
  • Big Fish Games. Best For: Downloadable games and apps. 
  • Free Online Games (FOG) 
  • Kongregate. 
  • MiniClip. 
  • MSN Games.
The best free games, starting with.
  • Fallout Shelter.
  • World of Tanks. 
  • Runescape. 
  • Smite. 
  • Pinball FX3.
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic. Genre: MMORPG. 
  • Dota Underlords. 
  • Dragalia Lost. Genre: Action RPG. 
The best free-to-play games
  • Apex Legends. Although Fortnite is without a doubt the most popular free-to-play battle royale game, that doesn't mean you won't have a great time with the rest of the bunch. 
  • Doki Doki Literature Club. 
  • Eve Online. 
  • Fallout Shelter. 
  • Fortnite Battle Royale. 
  • Hearthstone
  • League of Legends. 
  • Pokémon Go. 

  The most popular video game in the world.

Developed by Epic Games and released in 2017, Fortnite remains one of the most popular video games of 2020. (It won the best multiplayer/competitive game at the 2019 Webby awards.) It has three different modes: Battle Royale, Save the World, and Creative.
 The most popular game right now
Some games that have been released years ago are still popular today, like League of Legends, Minecraft, World of Warcraft, and Dota 2. Other good games trending now include Fall Guys, Among Us, Overwatch, and Rocket League.

 The most popular online games 2021
  • PUBG.
  • Fortnite.
  • Call of Duty.
  • League of Legends.
  • Apex Legends.
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
  • Final Fantasy XIV.
  • Minecraft. 

  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS GO) is one of the most popular game in India and gamers play it on stream.
Tips for playing games online
  1. Choose a safe username. Make sure your nickname does not include your
  2. Be careful what you share. 
  3. Think about who you're playing with. 
  4. Check your privacy settings. 
  5. Take breaks. 
  6. Watch out for loot boxes and in-app purchases. 
  7. Mods and downloads aren't always safe.





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