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  • Hackers are criminals who gain unauthorized access to a network and devices, usually with the intent to steal sensitive data, such as financial information or company secrets. You can protect your computers by using firewalls and antivirus software and by following best practices for computer use.

 You can protect your mobile devices by turning off Bluetooth when it's not in use, being mindful of the Wi-Fi networks you connect to and using security applications to improve monitoring and protectio.

 A new threat known as computer hacking extended the definition of thievery to include infiltrating your computer, stealing personal information, tricking you into revealing private data, and using that data to steal and extort personal information, such as business secrets, bank account credentials and even people's identities.

 Computer hackers are people who break into internet-connected devices such as computers, tablets and smartphones, usually with the intent to steal, change or delete information.

Hackers may want to steal, alter or delete information in your devices, and they often do so by installing malware (software used for malicious purposes) you might not even know is there. These thieves might get access to your most precious data before you're aware of a break-in.How to secure your computer from hackers

Despite the prevalence of computer hackers, most businesses rely on the internet to track their financials, order and maintain inventory, conduct marketing and PR campaigns, connect with customers, engage in social media, and perform other critical operations. Yet we continue to hear about massive computer breaches, even at giant corporations with robust security measures in place.

  • Use a firewall
    Windows 10 and Windows 8 have a firewall already built in and automatically turned on.

  • Keep all software up to date
    Make sure to turn on automatic updates in Windows Update to keep Windows, Microsoft Office, and other Microsoft applications up to date. Turn on automatic updates for non-Microsoft software as well, especially browsers, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and other apps you regularly use.

  • Use antivirus software and keep it current
    If you run Windows 10 or Windows 8, you have Windows Security or Windows Defender Security Center already installed on your device. 

  • Make sure your passwords are well-chosen and protected
    To learn how, see Protect your passwords.

    • Don’t open suspicious attachments or click unusual links in messages.
      They can appear in email, tweets, posts, online ads, messages, or attachments, and sometimes disguise themselves as known and trusted sources.

    • Browse the web safely
      Avoid visiting sites that offer potentially illicit content. Many of these sites install malware on the fly or offer downloads that contain malware. Use a modern browser like Microsoft Edge, which can help block malicious websites and prevent malicious code from running on your computer.

    • Stay away from pirated material
      Avoid streaming or downloading movies, music, books, or applications that do not come from trusted sources. They may contain malware.

       Do not use USBs or other external devices unless you own them
      To avoid infection by malware and viruses, ensure that all external devices either belong to you or come from a reliable source.

      • Prevent and remove malware

      One important step toward greater workplace security is to protect your computer against malware.



      • Protect your personal information online

      Your privacy on the internet depends on your ability to control both the amount of personal information that you provide and who has access to that information. Find out how to protect your privacy on the internet.


      • Protect yourself from scams

      When you read email, use social media, or browse the web, you should be wary of scams that try to steal your personal information (also known as identity theft), your money, or both. Many of these scams are known as "phishing scams" because they "fish" for your information. Find out how to protect yourself from phishing scams and avoid tech support scams.



    • Microsoft Defender Offline

    Microsoft Defender Offline runs outside of Windows to remove rootkits and other threats that hide from the Windows operating system. This tool uses a small, separate operating environment, where evasive threats are unable to hide from antimalware scanners.

    With Windows 10, Microsoft Defender Offline is built in to the operating system and can run from Windows Security. It is provided as a separate download for previous versions of Windows.




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