There are many wonderful things in the world created not by man but nature .These are so wonderful and incredible that it is hard to believe that they really exists but they are in the Nature .Some of them are scattered around the world .
The Blood Falls in Antarctica.
Blood Falls is an outflow of water, flowing from the Taylor Glacier
onto the ice-covered surface of West Lake Bonney in the Taylor Valley of
the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Victoria Land, East Antarctica. The reddish
falls were first discovered in Antarctica in 1911, by the Australian
geologist Griffith Taylor, where he noticed a river had stained the
surrounding cliff of ice with a deep red color. Previously, he had
believed it was due to algae discoloring the water, however that
hypothesis was never verified.
The true origin of the Blood Falls’s deep red coloring is due to
oxidized iron in brine saltwater, the same process that gives iron a
dark red color when it rusts. When the iron bearing saltwater comes into
contact with oxygen the iron oxidizes and takes on a red coloring, in
effect dying the water to a deep red color..
Rainbow Eucalyptus Trees in Kailua, Hawaii.
One of the most amazing things in nature, the Eucalyptus deglupta
It is a tall tree, commonly known as the rainbow eucalyptus. It is the
only Eucalyptus species found naturally in New Britain, New Guinea,
Ceram, Sulawesi and Mindanao. The unique multi-colored bark is the most
distinctive feature of this beautiful tree. Patches of outer bark are
shed annually at different times, showing a bright green inner bark.
This then darkens and matures to give blue, purple, orange and then
maroon tones. It grows in tropical forests that get a lot of rain. In
the present day, by tree plantations, this tree is grown widely around
the world.
The Wave, Arizona.
Another most amazing things in nature, The Wave located in Arizona,
United States. It is a gorgeous red sandstone formation on the slopes of
the Coyote Buttes in the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness,
located in northern portion of the U.S. state of Arizona. The Beautiful
sandstone formation is famous among hikers and photographers for its
colorful, undulating forms, and the rugged.
Shimmering Shores of Vaadhoo, Maldives.
Pinpricks of light on the shore seem to mirror stars.. Glowing Blue Waves, the
biological light, or bio luminescence, in the waves is the product of
marine microbes called phytoplankton.
The island is much famous for it’s naturally glittering and sparkling
sea water. It also known as “the Sea of Stars”. The sparking is
prominent and phenomenal in Vadhoo . At night, the mesmerizing shining water
looks like a mirror.
. Reflective Salt Flats in Bolivia.
Amazing salt flats where the sky and ground merge into one to create dreamy landscapes. It is
at 10,582 square km. This is not water, the ground is covered in a
layer of salt crust so reflective, it perfectly mirrors the sky. The
Salar was formed as a result of transformations between several
prehistoric lakes. It is covered by a few meters of salt crust, which
has an extraordinary flatness with the average altitude variations
within one meter over the entire area of the Salar..
When it rains, this flat surface forms the largest mirror in the world.
Cenote, Underground Natural Spring in Mexico.
Known as Cenote, is a natural pit, or sinkhole resulting from the
collapse of limestone bedrock that exposes groundwater underneath.
Cenotes, mostly associated with the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico.
Nearly 7,000 cenotes in Yucatán Peninsula were discovered. These were
sometimes used by the ancient Maya for sacrificial offerings. The Mayans
revered cenotes because they were a water source in dry times.
The Dirty Thunderstorm.
A dirty thunderstorm, also “Volcanic lightning” is a weather
phenomenon that occurs when lightning is produced in a volcanic plume. A
study indicated that electrical charges are generated when rock
fragments, ash, and ice particles in a volcanic plume collide and
produce static charges, just as ice particles collide in regular
thunderstorms. Volcanic eruptions also release large amounts of water,
which may help fuel these thunderstorms.
The Ghost Trees in Pakistan.
The eye-catching phenomenon is an unexpected side-effect of the
flooding in parts of Pakistan. Millions of spiders climbed up into the
trees to escape the rising flood waters, shrouding them with their silky
webs. Because of the scale of the flooding and the fact that the water
has taken so long to recede, many trees have become cocooned in ghostly
spiders webs.
Underwater Forest in Kaindy Lake, Kazakhstan.
The sunken forest is part of a 400 meter long Lake Kaindy in
Kazakhstan’s portion of the Tian Shan Mountains located 129 km from the
city of Almaty. The lake was created as the result of an enormous
limestone landslide, triggered by the 1911 Kebin earthquake. It also triggered a landslide that
formed a natural dam. Over time, the valley was then flooded by
rainwater, covering the trees that grew there. As well as the trees, the
lake is famous for it’s unusually bright blue color.
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