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Venice, the capital of northern Italy’s Veneto region, is built on more than 100 small islands in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea. It has no roads, just canals – including the Grand Canal thoroughfare – lined with Renaissance and Gothic palaces. The central square, Piazza San Marco, contains St. Mark’s Basilica, which is tiled with Byzantine mosaics, and the Campanile bell tower offering views of the city’s red roofs.
  It consists of 118 small islands linked by 400 bridges. Venice is located in a shallow lagoon between the Po and the Piave rivers.
 Venice has been known as "La Dominante", "La Serenissima", "Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City of Masks", "City of Bridges", "The Floating City", and "City of Canals". The lagoon and a part of the city are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

 According to tradition Venice was founded in 421 AD. At that time a Celtic people called the Veneti lived along the coast of what is now Northeast Italy. Since 49 BC they had been Roman citizens. However, in 453 Attila the Hun invaded Italy.

The Grand Canal measures two and a half miles long and sixteen feet deep and is anywhere from ninety to three hundred feet across.

. It is one of the largest and most important Canals in Italy. It connects the lagoon near the Santa Lucia railway station and the other end leads into Saint Mark Basin. It is an important transport corridor as it makes a large reverse-S shape through the central districts of Venice.

  The Canals of Venice have a whopping 400 bridges which connects 118 Islands.
  The Grand Canal Boasts a whopping 170 houses along its banks, most of which were built between 1200 and 1700..
 . The Grand Canal of Venice is host to an event that has been celebrated since 14th century. The event is known as Rigata Storica boat race (boat competition.
  Venice has hundreds of Canals and islands; however, the Grand Canal is the largest and most visible on the international front..

 . Many scientists believe that the Grand Canal route is similar to one of an ancient river that traversed Venice.

To make the islands of the Venetian lagoon fit for habitation, Venice's early settlers needed to drain areas of the lagoon, dig canals and shore up the banks to prepare them for building on. ... On top of these stakes, they placed wooden platforms and then stone, and this is what the buildings of Venice are built on.

In addition to the charming canals, bridges and waterways, one of Venice's most unique features is the absence of cars. Boats and gondolas are not a stage prop. In fact, they are a necessity to living and travelling around Venice. You can't live without a boat or gondola in Venice.
 There are estimated to be 350 gondolas on Venice's waterways, which include 177 canals. Gondolas are made from eight different wood species, and the parts of the gondola represent parts of Venice itself. Gondolas are approximately 600 kilos in weight and 11 meters in length. 
 One of the narrowest streets in the world is located in Venice. It is only 53cm wide and called Calletta. 
 Venice's symbol is the winged lion of Saint Mark. 
 Venice is home to more than 450 palaces.

 Venice is the most romantic city in the world. To gourmet Italian food, add the flirts from Italian men and you will see why Venice is romantic. 
 Venetian folklore says that if a couple in a gondola kiss as they pass underneath each bridge they will remain in love forever
 To ancient buildings add the beauty of well-manicured gardens and canal-front restaurants and you will never want to leave Venice.




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