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If  you   get  bored   from  the   web  viewing  the  same  stuff    over  and  over  again -social media  ,blogs,   news  etc  then  you  certainly   need  some  thing  different  that  can  soothe   your  soul and  give  you some  kind of entertainment  then  here  are some  sites  that  can  solve  your  purpose.

Bored Panda

  Bored Panda is the place you want to be when you want to discover interesting and visually appealing content.

It's a blog that publishes regular updates on the coolest finds in travel, photography, illustration, animals, DIY, technology, design and all sorts of other great categories. You can also create an account to vote posts up or down.

Brain Pickings.



 Try expanding your knowledge by diving deep into the incredibly useful and thought-provoking blog posts on Brain Pickings, which is a popular blog run by MIT fellow Maria Popova. She's the one who does all the research and writing for each post.
You can probably expect to find a few good books to add to your reading list just by subscribing to this blog.



TED has become a powerful organization in spreading ideas and knowledge. The nonprofit organization hosts conferences around the world where people of all walks of life share their amazing ideas and experiences through short speaking gigs.
If you have a pair of headphones handy, you should definitely check out this site. You can find video talks on practically any subject you're interested in.

Laughing Squid


Laughing Squid,  here you can find all sorts of highly visual posts about art, culture and technology on this site, most of which are photos and videos.
It's updated with several new posts a day featuring the newest, freshest content. Posts are kept pretty short too, making it perfect for browsing casually..



Vsauce is an incredibly popular and successful YouTube channel (with several spinoff channels) that has attracted over 13 million subscribers. Videos focus on interesting educational content where channel creator Michael Stevens teaches viewers about all sorts of amazing topics, almost resembling a modern day Bill Nye the Science Guy.
On the Vsauce website, you can browse through and watch videos across all Vsauce channels.



  Oddee   is  one of the web's larges and most popular blogs featuring the craziest, strangest and most bizarre content you probably won't find anywhere else.
Most posts are numbered lists, complete with lots of photos and videos for you to look at. Categories include art, signs, places, objects, ads, science, medicine, home design, names, people, gifts, stories, tech and more.


Mental Floss


Mental Floss will leave you feeling like you actually learned something during the time you wanted to pass while browsing the web. Describing itself as "the encyclopaedia of everything," the site offers content on some of life's most interesting questions.
You can read articles, view lists, watch videos, take quizzes and even brush up on some smart facts with Mental Floss on everything from science to pop culture. So go ahead and expand your knowledge with this one!

College Humor


College Humor,  is  a place where you can find all sorts of wildly entertaining and hilarious articles, videos and photos.
The website also has a popular YouTube channel of more than 12 million subscribers, featuring original video content designed to make you laugh. .



  It   is the Internet's search engine for GIFs. Even if you have nothing to search for, you can just look at what's trending on the front page or spend some time browsing through the categories.


The Oatmeal

  The  Oatmeal   popular humor website caters to the avid comic lover and quiz taker. His wacky drawings are mainly based on relatable life situations, education, and crazy stories that would never be possible in real life.



   One of the most popular sites online for everything that's viral, newsworthy and even pointless.

You can find everything from fun quizzes and listicles made of GIFs, to breaking news and long-form journalism. If you need some major distraction, BuzzFeed is the place to go.



Reddit is referred to as "the front page of the internet." It's a community board split up into sections of categories or interests. Users submit links to articles, photos or videos they think are worth sharing, and anyone can up vote them or down-vote them.
The most upvoted links get pushed to the top. If StumbleUpon isn't your thing, Reddit may be a good alternative.


 This is a site that takes photos from all over the world of things like signs or product packaging that are riddled with spelling and grammatical mistakes, or just convey an entirely different message due to translation errors and extreme unfamiliarity with the English language.



Hyperbole and a Half


 Hyperbole and a Half is a Blogger blog that was created by Allie Brosh, a young woman with a talent for telling her left story through detailed Microsoft Paint drawings. She says her blog is not really a web comic, but it’s not really a blog either.



Damn You Auto Correct!

 Damn You Auto Correct features tons of funny texts between people who experience all the communication problems that come with auto correct on a mobile device. You might be surprised to discover what kinds of words accidentally pops up when we really mean something else.








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