skin is a protective layer between the body and its external
environment.It works as a sensor to mo niter changes in exterior
physical conditions.Different kinds of situations such as
heat,cold,pain and pressure,provoke different types of nerve cells,in
the skin.Thus ,the brain is sent the useful information of the
happenings,outside the body,and it in turn, commands an action&
nbsp; to
different parts of the body.For example,when we happen to hold a
flower with a thorn and detect pain,message from the arm are
sent to the spine.A spine sends this message to the brain and
brain command the hand muscles to throw the flower.All this
happens in less than one second.Thus , these nerve cells prevent
our body from damage or injury.Our skin feels the pressure and the
pain,so we feel when our finger is cut by knife.There are millions
of microscopic nerve endings under the surface that detect
light touch,heavy presssure,heat,cold and pain.Our sense of touch is
more rifined than any divice ever created.When we touch something,we
send a message to our brain at 124mph,.

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