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Showing posts from November, 2018


Our  skin  is  a protective  layer  between   the body  and its  external environment.It  works  as   a  sensor to mo niter  changes  in exterior  physical   conditions.Different  kinds  of  situations such  as heat,cold,pain and pressure,provoke different types   of nerve  cells,in the skin.Thus  ,the  brain   is  sent  the  useful information of the happenings,outside the body,and  it in turn, commands   an action& nbsp; to different   parts  of the body.For example,when  we happen to  hold a flower  with  a thorn and detect  pain,message  from   the arm  are sent  to  the spine.A spine  sends  this message  to  the brain    and  brain  command  the hand muscles  ...


A human nose  can distinguish around  4000 different  substances.We  use our nose  to breathe  and to smell.We can differentiate  the god and bad odor.Smell  floats in the air.We smell  things  we take in air  through  our noses.The sensory cells  in the nose,detect the smell and send message to the brain.Our sense  of smell  also  help  our sense of taste.So, our sense of smell and taste are  closely linked. Our tongue  receptors   differentiate  only four  types of taste qualities; sweet,sour,salt,and bitter.There  are thousands  of taste  buds all over  the tongue.These   survive  only for a matter of days  under go  rapid and continuous   replacement.Each  taste  bud  consist  of  sensory  cells  that  are  connected    to  the mid brain through taste...


'Big data' is the new science of understanding and predicting human behavior by studying large volumes of unstructured data.  Big data is also known as 'predictive analytics'. '.Analyzing Twitter posts, Facebook feeds, eBay searches, GPS trackers, and ATM machines are some big data examples. Studying security videos, traffic data, weather patterns, flight arrivals, cell phone tower logs, and heart rate trackers are other forms. Big data is a messy new science that changes weekly, and only a few experts understand it all.    Most big data projects are very obscure, there are successful exa mples of big data affecting the everyday life of individuals, companies, and governments: Predicting virus outbreaks: by studying socio-political data, weather and climate data, and hospital/clinical data, these scientists are now predicting dengue fever outbreaks with 4 weeks advance notice. Homicide Watch:  this big data project profiles murd...


This is a delicious, basic French toast recipe made with eggs, milk, and bread. Serve this popular breakfast dish with butter and maple syrup. It's the only French toast recipe you'll need for your family breakfast, and it's versatile.  Did you know you can freeze French toast? Make big batches and freeze slices of cooked and cooled French toast in small food storage bags for easy breakfasts throughout the week. Just reheat in the skillet or pop the frozen slices in the toaster. For a richer French toast, use thick slices of brioche bread or challah, along with whole milk, light cream, or half-and-half. Or make a French toast dessert with sturdy slices of pound cake! What You'll Need 4 large eggs 1 teaspoon sugar, optional das...


The white shark, commonly called the great white shark, is one of the most iconic and feared creatures of the ocean. With its razor-sharp teeth and menacing appearance, it certainly looks dangerous. But the more we learn about this creature, the more we learn they are not indiscriminate predators, and definitely don't prefer humans as prey. Great white sharks are relatively large, although likely not as large as they might be in our imagination.   T he largest shark species is a plankton eater, the whale shark. Great whites average about 10-15 feet in length, and their maximum size is estimated at a length of 20 feet and weight of 4,200 pounds. Females are generally larger than males. They have a stout body, black eye, a steel gray back and a white underside.  Great white sharks are widely distributed across the world's oceans. This shark resides mostly in temperate waters in the pelagic zone. They can range to depths over 775 feet. They may patrol coas...


Research shows   that what you eat can be one of the most important factors to living a long, healthy life. Along with exercise, your diet can be extremely effective at preventing chronic disease and promoting health and longevity. Eating a significant portion of these 6 nutrient-dense foods every day can help you naturally strengthen your immune system and could add years to your life by boosting your health. GREEN VEGETABLES .  Raw, leafy greens are packed with nutrients but are super low in calories. At only about 100 calories per pound, leafy greens are an excellent weight-loss food, since they can be eaten in virtually unlimited amounts. Greens provide protection for blood vessels, promote good eyesight, and are associated with lowering the risk for diabetes. Several of these vegetaLogin Password: Invalid Username or Password.bles, among them arugula, bok choy, kale, and collard greens, belong to the cruciferous family, a particular...


You already know that a good workout can burn calories. And you might even boost your step count during the day to burn calories and slim down. But did you know that you can choose certain foods to burn calories?  Everything that you do during the day burns calories, including eating. But eating some foods can burn more calories than others. And the best calorie-burning foods provide other nutritional and weight-loss benefits as well. How Food Burns Calories When you eat food, you consume calories or energy.  But you also need energy to carry out the eating process. Chewing, digesting and storing food require your body to burn calories. Scientists call it the thermic effect of food or TEF.  Your TEF is a primary component of your total daily energy expenditure or TDEE.  That's the total number of calories that you burn throughout the day.  So how much more can you burn with the best calorie-burning foods? Unfortuna...


The  Spine  or vertebral,column has  two  main  functions;it serve  as a  protective  surrounding  for  the delicate  spinal  cord. and form the  supporting   back  bone of the Skeleton .The spine consist  of 24   separate   differently  shaped  bones vertebrae  with  a curved  ,triangular  bone the sacrum at the  bottom.The  sacrum  is made up  of  fused  vertebrae  ; at  the  lower  end   is  a  small  tail  like  structure  made up  of tiny  bones ,collectively  called  the coccyx.Between  each pair  of vertebrae  is a disk  of cartilage  that cushions  the  bones during the movement.The  top  two  vertebrae differ  in  appearance  from  the others  and wor...


WITH   EVERY  BREATH   ,air  passes  through  the  nasal   cavity..down   the   pharynx(throat),larynx("voice box"  ),and  trachea(wind pipe)  to  the  lungs.The  nasal   cavity   warms  the  and  moistens  air   ,and   the  tiny  layers  in  the  lining   protect   the  airway    against   the  damage  by  foreign  bodies.During  swallowing  ,  the  tongue  moves  up  and  back,the  larynx  rise,the  epiglottis  closes  off  the    entrance to  the trachea,  and  the  soft palate  separates    the  nasal  cavity  from  the  pharynx.Saliva, secreted  from  ...


In  a  new  born   baby,the  head accounts   for  one-quarter  of the total   body length ;by  adulthood  , the proportion  has reduced   to  one-eighth.The  contained  the  body's   main   sense  organs.:Eyes,ears,olfactory  nerves,  that  detect  smells,and  the  taste  buds  of the  tongue .Signals    from  from  these  organs  pass in  the  body's  great   coordination  centre ;the  brain .housed  in  the protective, bony  dome  of  the skull.Hair  on  the  head insulates against   heat  loss,and adult  males  also  grow  thick facial  hair.The  face  has three   important  openings.two  nostrils  through ...


Our  skin  is  a protective  layer  between   the body  and its  external environment.It  works  as   a  sensor to mo niter  changes  in exterior  physical   conditions.Different  kinds  of  situations such  as heat,cold,pain and pressure,provoke different types   of nerve  cells,in the skin.Thus  ,the  brain   is  sent  the  useful information of the happenings,outside the body,and  it in turn, commands   an action  to different   parts  of the body. For example,when  we happen to  hold a flower  with  a thorn and detect  pain,message  from   the arm  are sent  to  the spine.A spine  sends  this message  to  the brain    and  brain  command  the hand muscles   to t...


Our genes determine our physical characteristics such as height, weight, and skin color. These genes sometimes experience mutations that alter the physical traits observed. Gene mutations are changes that occur in the segments of DNA that compose a gene. These changes can be inherited from our parents through sexual reproduction or acquired throughout our lifetime. While some mutations can lead to diseases or death, others may have no negative impact on or may even benefit an individual.  Other mutations can produce traits that are  cute.  Some  cute features caused by gene mutations. Dimples.   Dimples are a genetic trait that causes the skin and muscles to form indentations in the cheeks. Dimples can occur in either one or both cheeks. Dimples are typically an inherited trait passed down from parents to their children. The mutated genes that cause dimples are found wi...


Your energy levels and   mood. Often   you  feel  exhausted without you even doing   anything .This  is  due  to  malfunctioning  of  your  h ormones .If your hormones aren’t balanced, it can lead to several malfunctions in you The perfect balance You can only function on your best when your hormone levels are in perfect balance.Then   you  can   work   enthusiastically  and  with  full  strength .But     Unfortunately, sometimes you don’t even know how your hormones influence your everyday life.So me    hormones  that   influence   your  everyday life   and    wh at     you   can  do  to  keep  them   balance   are- Thyroid   T oo little thyroid hormone can lead to fatigue. But did you also know that too much thyroid c...


Today   lives   are  busy  whether   we  are    up  late   working  or   partying   all  adds   up.Our  eyes   got  tired .The   tiredness   of  eyes   are  caused  by   number   of  things, from  lose  skin  to  much  caffeine .To  avoid  this  we  should  look after  our  skin   and  banish  eye  bags for ever. Use    some  tips  to  avoid  eye  bags. Use   an   eye  mask - If    you  want   a  fast  way  to  eliminate   puffiness  and  tired  dry eyes , use  a  cold soothing  eye  mask  for  ten  minutes.It  will  close  and re...


Today   lives   are  busy  whether   we  are    up  late   working  or   partying   all  adds   up.Our  eyes   got  tired .The   tiredness   of  eyes   are  caused  by   number   of  things, from  lose  skin  to  much  caffeine .To  avoid  this  we  should  look after  our  skin   and  banish  eye  bags for ever. Use    some  tips  to  avoid  eye  bags. Use   an   eye  mask - If    you  want   a  fast  way  to  eliminate   puffiness  and  tired  dry eyes , use  a  cold soothing  eye  mask  for  ten  minutes.It  will  close  and re...