The kingdom of books is as vast as the Universe,for there is no corner of it which they have left unexplored.There is no dearth of books on any topic .It covers almost all topics of human knowledge,be it Science,medicine,history, geography,literature,politics,space science,the list is endless.We make use of books for the dissemination (spreading) of useful ideas ,for popularising the fruits of our research in various fields of knowledge ,and for spreading our progressive views on matters which are of vital concern to our fellow beings..Books has been very helpful to the advancement of the human civilization .If to Keats ,works of ancient poet like Homer were realms of gold from which he derived much joy as well as inspiration, to the modern lover of books , the labour of all geniuses , including those of Keats ,are mines of inestimable intellectual wealth ,which he goes on exploring for the sake of his mental and spiritual advancement,
There was a time some five hundred years back , when books as we know them today did not exist ,At that time our ancestors used rocks,pillars, and parchments (skin used for writing) with a view to recording and perpetuating (to remember) their thoughts and achievements.
Now -a - days the book publishing industries gives to the work of every great scientific thinker ,poet or philosopher the character of permanence,reproduces in attractive forms old and rare manuscripts and caters to the differing taste of millions of people for whom book- reading is an extremely ,pleasant ,intellectual experience Moreover ,the high percentage of literacy,growth of libraries,tendency of intellectuals ,to have their own private collection of books, have given birth to a number of big publishing houses,with branches in many parts of the world.
In recent years ,paperback have began to reveal their attraction for the reading public.They have appeared to people who would not have thought of buying books not so very long ago,These paper backs are generally reprints of popular fictions or of established classics or translations from foreign works which are in constant demand at bookstalls.
The kingdom of books is as vast as the Universe,for there is no corner of it which they have left unexplored.There is no dearth of books on any topic .It covers almost all topics of human knowledge,be it Science,medicine,history, geography,literature,politics,space science,the list is endless.We make use of books for the dissemination (spreading) of useful ideas ,for popularising the fruits of our research in various fields of knowledge ,and for spreading our progressive views on matters which are of vital concern to our fellow beings..Books has been very helpful to the advancement of the human civilization .If to Keats ,works of ancient poet like Homer were realms of gold from which he derived much joy as well as inspiration, to the modern lover of books , the labour of all geniuses , including those of Keats ,are mines of inestimable intellectual wealth ,which he goes on exploring for the sake of his mental and spiritual advancement,
There was a time some five hundred years back , when books as we know them today did not exist ,At that time our ancestors used rocks,pillars, and parchments (skin used for writing) with a view to recording and perpetuating (to remember) their thoughts and achievements.
Now -a - days the book publishing industries gives to the work of every great scientific thinker ,poet or philosopher the character of permanence,reproduces in attractive forms old and rare manuscripts and caters to the differing taste of millions of people for whom book- reading is an extremely ,pleasant ,intellectual experience Moreover ,the high percentage of literacy,growth of libraries,tendency of intellectuals ,to have their own private collection of books, have given birth to a number of big publishing houses,with branches in many parts of the world.
In recent years ,paperback have began to reveal their attraction for the reading public.They have appeared to people who would not have thought of buying books not so very long ago,These paper backs are generally reprints of popular fictions or of established classics or translations from foreign works which are in constant demand at bookstalls.

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