MAMMALIAN ORDER CARNIVORE includes cats,dogs, bears, raccoons,
pandas,weasels,badgers,otters,civets,mongooses and hyenas.The order's
name is derived from the fact that most of its members are
carnivores (flesh eaters). Typical carnivores features
therefore reflect a hunting lifestyle ;speed and agility;sharp
-claws, and well developed canine teeth ,for holding and
killing prey.;carnassial teeth (cheek teeth) for cutting flesh;
and forward facing eyes for good distance judgement.
However some member of the order ; Bears,badgers .and foxes,for example have a more mixed diet and a few are entirely herbivorous.(plant eating), notably pandas .Such animals have no carnassial teeth and tend to be slower moving than pure flesh eaters

However some member of the order ; Bears,badgers .and foxes,for example have a more mixed diet and a few are entirely herbivorous.(plant eating), notably pandas .Such animals have no carnassial teeth and tend to be slower moving than pure flesh eaters
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