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,IS A BALL GAME for two teams of five players ,originally
devised in 1800 by James Naismath for the Y.M.C.A in
Springfield ,Massachusetts,U.S.A.
The object of the game is to take possession of the ball and score points by throwing the ball into the opposite team's basket .A player moves the ball up and down the court by bouncing it along the ground or "dribbling "; the ball may be passed between players by throwing ,bouncing,or rolling .Players may not run with or kick the ball ,although pivoting on one foot is allowed.
The game begins with the referee throwing the ball into the air and a player from each team jumping up to try and 'up" the ball to a team mate .The length of the game and the number of periods played varies at different levels.There are amateur,professional,;and international rules.No game ends in a draw .An extra period of five minutes is played ,plus as many extra period as are necessary to break the tie .In addition to the five players on court ,each team has up to seven substitutes ,but players may only leave the court with the of the referee.Basketball is a non -contact sport and fouls on other players are penalized by throw in awarded against the offended team,a free throw is awarded when a player is fouled in the act of shooting .Basketball is fast moving game requiring both physical and mental coordination.Skillful tactical play matters more than simple physical strength and the agility of the players make game an excellent spectator sport.
The object of the game is to take possession of the ball and score points by throwing the ball into the opposite team's basket .A player moves the ball up and down the court by bouncing it along the ground or "dribbling "; the ball may be passed between players by throwing ,bouncing,or rolling .Players may not run with or kick the ball ,although pivoting on one foot is allowed.
The game begins with the referee throwing the ball into the air and a player from each team jumping up to try and 'up" the ball to a team mate .The length of the game and the number of periods played varies at different levels.There are amateur,professional,;and international rules.No game ends in a draw .An extra period of five minutes is played ,plus as many extra period as are necessary to break the tie .In addition to the five players on court ,each team has up to seven substitutes ,but players may only leave the court with the of the referee.Basketball is a non -contact sport and fouls on other players are penalized by throw in awarded against the offended team,a free throw is awarded when a player is fouled in the act of shooting .Basketball is fast moving game requiring both physical and mental coordination.Skillful tactical play matters more than simple physical strength and the agility of the players make game an excellent spectator sport.

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