SPORTS Such as football, players have to follow certain
rules and regulations to avoid chaos and play the game in
a structured manner.Similarly , rules and laws are needed
in a family and a community because they help maintain
peace and bring discipline in our lives.This also means that
every one has to compromise a little .If we only do what is '
good' for us , we may violate the right of others .Laws
regulate the lives of people living together in a
community .In most cases , the community itself is
responsible for adhering to the laws .Police and court
help in difficult cases.Often , it is not easy to be
fair and decide who is to be punished and how
In a democracy, rules and laws are laid down by the society and its elected representatives..Rules and laws for some basic issues are same all over the world;for example , killing and stealing are crimes that violate the rights of others , and are prohibited everywhere.There are certain other rules that are different in different countries..In some countries vehicles drive on the right side of the road , where as in other countries , they drive on the left side of the road .
JOB OF THE POLICE- The main responsibility of the police is to maintain law and order and ensure public safety and security . In our daily routine , we frequently come across the traffic .They monitor and regulate the traffic on the roads and prevent violation of traffic rules by the commuters.Besides, this , the police investigate the circumstances and facts about crime and tries to solves the case .Police stations are situated in every part of the city and we can go there whenever we need police assistance .Most of the police officers are always ready to help.
FAIRNESS- Fairness means judging deeds based on facts.Often a person is scolded unfairly or a promise is not kept..These things may happen by mistake- but they are still unfair.Opinions on what is fair often differ because different people have different perspectives.Before we judge others , we should think what would happen if we were in the other person's shoe.
COURT OF LAW- Someone who has committed a criminal offense can be punished only by a court of law.The criminal offense must be proved beyond any doubt- otherwise the court has to set the accused free.Generally , the benefit of doubt is given to the accused.First , the public prosecutor puts up the charges against the accused., and then a court hearing takes place.The public prosecutor represents the state e.g, the interest of general public.The lawyer of the accused person make sure that his rights are not violated, and helps him defend himself.
GODDESS OF JUSTICE-'JUSTILIA'- The balance in the left hand of the goddess of justice Just ilia stands for weighing guilt and innocence .The sword in her right hand stands for the judgement to be given to the guilt.
In a democracy, rules and laws are laid down by the society and its elected representatives..Rules and laws for some basic issues are same all over the world;for example , killing and stealing are crimes that violate the rights of others , and are prohibited everywhere.There are certain other rules that are different in different countries..In some countries vehicles drive on the right side of the road , where as in other countries , they drive on the left side of the road .
JOB OF THE POLICE- The main responsibility of the police is to maintain law and order and ensure public safety and security . In our daily routine , we frequently come across the traffic .They monitor and regulate the traffic on the roads and prevent violation of traffic rules by the commuters.Besides, this , the police investigate the circumstances and facts about crime and tries to solves the case .Police stations are situated in every part of the city and we can go there whenever we need police assistance .Most of the police officers are always ready to help.
FAIRNESS- Fairness means judging deeds based on facts.Often a person is scolded unfairly or a promise is not kept..These things may happen by mistake- but they are still unfair.Opinions on what is fair often differ because different people have different perspectives.Before we judge others , we should think what would happen if we were in the other person's shoe.
COURT OF LAW- Someone who has committed a criminal offense can be punished only by a court of law.The criminal offense must be proved beyond any doubt- otherwise the court has to set the accused free.Generally , the benefit of doubt is given to the accused.First , the public prosecutor puts up the charges against the accused., and then a court hearing takes place.The public prosecutor represents the state e.g, the interest of general public.The lawyer of the accused person make sure that his rights are not violated, and helps him defend himself.
GODDESS OF JUSTICE-'JUSTILIA'- The balance in the left hand of the goddess of justice Just ilia stands for weighing guilt and innocence .The sword in her right hand stands for the judgement to be given to the guilt.

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