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Professional facials are decadent and expensive. Why pay for one when you can do them yourself at home? This basic five-step at-home facial can be done once a week and works on all skin types including oily, dry and combination  skin.
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Step 1: Cleanse the Skin

The first step is to cleanse your skin with a cleanser formulated for your skin type (find out what yours is). There's no need to splurge on department store cleansers, a basic drugstore cleanser will work well.

Cleanser gets washed down the sink, so I recommend spending your money on moisturizers and products that don't get washed away.

To cleanse skin, rinse your face and neck first in lukewarm -- never hot -- water.

Then dot the cleanser on your forehead, cheeks, chin and neck. Massage the product into your face and neck in a circular motion for at least a minute, making sure to get around the nose and the chin.
Rinse your face and neck with a warm washcloth. 
Don't forget to remove eye makeup with a makeup remover.

Step 2: Exfoliate

There are several ways to exfoliate your skin. Many people swear by the Clarisonic Mia  and buy from You can also try this simple 3-step method:
  1. Apply a gentle exfoliating facial scrub in a circular motion on your face.

  1. Using your fingers, concentrate on the areas around your nose and forehead or if you have combination skin, work harder on the areas that tend to be "greasy."
  2. Use a soft washcloth soaked in warm water to rinse your face. The washcloth itself acts as a natural exfoliant. Try super soft bamboo baby washcloths like these from

See a list of the best scrubs or make your own using brown or white sugar mixed in with extra virgin coconut oil.

Step 3: Steam

There are several ways to steam your face. You can fill your sink with warm water, dip a washcloth in and press to your face repeating 2-3 times or you can take it further by boiling water in a teapot.

Step 4: Apply a Mask

For oily skin, use a clay-based face mask. For dry skin, go for a hydrating gel or cream mask.
Apply the mask, avoiding the areas around the eyes. Keep it on for 10-20 minutes (or, according to the directions on the product). Cucumbers, as pictured here, are not necessary. Rinse completely.
 Buy a mask     or  Make your own.

Step 5: Moisturizer

Smooth on a soothing, basic moisturizer over your face and neck. See a list of the best facial moisturizers. If you want organic and cheap, try extra virgin coconut oil.  

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