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In  a   new   study   ,researchers     have  found   that  moderate  exercise   could  halve the   risk  of  dying   from  a  heart  attack    for  someone  in  their    fifties   or  sixties.
Just  25 minutes of brisk walking a day can add up to seven years to your life, according to health experts.    
A   new study presented at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress suggested that regular exercise can increase life span.
A  group of 69 healthy non-smokers, aged between  30 and 60, who did not take regular exercise were tested as part of the study at Saar land University in Germany.
Blood tests taken during six months of regular aerobic exercise, high-intensity interval training and strength training showed that an anti-aging process had been triggered and helped repair old DNA.
“This suggests that when people exercise regularly, they may be able to retard the process of aging,” said Sanjay Sharma, professor of inherited cardiac diseases in sports cardiology at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in London.
exercise buys you three to seven additional years of life. It is an antidepressant, it improves cognitive function and there is now evidence that it may retard the onset of dementia.”
 The advice from experts is that everyone should do at least 20 minutes of walking or jogging a day, given the sedentary lifestyles and changes in diet that have contributed to high death rates from heart disease. Exercise can also improve brain functioning.
 exercise brings benefits at whatever age the person starts. People who start exercising at the age of 70 are less likely to go on to develop a condition that leads to irregular or racing heart .rates in 10 per cent of people  aged   over  eighty.
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