"This means that dentist can now print a tooth in 6 minutes,"Explained Joseph De Simone, the CEO of the 3D printing company Carbon 3D and a professor of chemistry at the University of North Carolina at chapel hill ,at Ted conference in Vancouver .
The idea of reproducing a tooth on the stop is nowhere new.
"It has been around for thirty years," explained Dr Sharde Harvey , a New York city- based dentist ,who been using the method called CEREC(Chair-side Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics.)since 2005.
However , with this innovation,things may be different - a lot cheaper, and a lot faster .It does not use classical 3 D printing ,which involves printing one layer at a time, instead CEREC is more akin to computer - assisted sculpture than printing It mills a new tooth from a piece of porcelain , based on 3 D scanner and modelling software.
Now this would be very lucrative to dentists and useful for patients .

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