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Moral values still has its importance.

MORAL   VALUES    STILL  HAS  ITS  IMPORTANCE.Now    a  days  people    often rejects  morality  and even  laughs   it .  But   still  it  has  its  practical  importance  in  every sphere  of   our life.Whether in  business,social behavior,or any  other   human  activity.Morality  includes such  qualities  like  honesty,truthfulness ,faithfulness,abiding  by  ones   words.etc.Now  how  it   works?Let's  take   business,the  greatest  asset  of a business  is  its  honesty  whether  in  providing  service, or goods, honesty  increases  its  customers  rapidly,in  Hindi  it  is  called" Sakha".
In   social  behavior   we   still  see   people  with  such  quality  are  being revered and supported   by  society .As   we see in case  of  Anna Harare   .He  just  talked  of   honesty  in  public life  and  he  got  overwhelming   support from   all  over  the  country and even from  abroad.
So  is  the  case  in  our  personal  life  cheating,misconduct,
unfaithfulness   in  married  life  or  cheating  with   friends  often  leads  to  quarrels,fights,or  even   worse as we read  in  newspapers.
causing  great  tensions  ,court cases,  loss  of  money,disturbed  family life etc.
Another   aspect  , people   who  break  law   ,indulge  in illegal  activities   at  last  or  at  early  got   jail   by  law  enforcing  bodies.
So ,  who  say   morality  has  lost  value?No , it  still  is   a path  to  security,peace  and  prosperity and  a  calm  and tension free  life.
Thus  we  should  follow  the  path  of morality to  live   happily .


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