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'Big data' is the new science of understanding and predicting human behavior by studying large volumes of unstructured data.  Big data is also known as 'predictive analytics'. '.Analyzing Twitter posts, Facebook feeds, eBay searches, GPS trackers, and ATM machines are some big data examples. Studying security videos, traffic data, weather patterns, flight arrivals, cell phone tower logs, and heart rate trackers are other forms. Big data is a messy new science that changes weekly, and only a few experts understand it all.    Most big data projects are very obscure, there are successful examples of big data affecting the everyday life of individuals, companies, and governments: Predicting virus outbreaks: by studying socio-political data, weather and climate data, and hospital/clinical data, these scientists are now predicting dengue fever outbreaks with 4 weeks advance notice. Homicide Watch:  this big data project profiles mu


The most important fact to know about an electric eel is that it is not an eel. Although it has an elongated body like an eel, the electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) is actually a type of knifefish.   The electric eel was first described by Linnaeus in 1766 and since then, has been reclassified several times. At present, the electric eel is the only species in its genus. It is only found in muddy, shallow waters surrounding the Amazon and Orinoco rivers in South America.   Electric eels have cylindrical bodies, up to 2 meters (about 8 feet) in length. An adult may weigh 20 kilograms (44 pounds), with males being much smaller than females. They come in a range of colors, including purple, gray, blue, black, or white. The fish lack scales and have poor While the fish live in water and possess gills, they breathe air. An electric eel needs to rise to the surface and inhale about once every ten minutes. Electric eels are solitary creatures. When they mass toget


The pituitary gland is a small endocrine organ that controls a multitude of important functions in the body. It is divided into an anterior lobe, intermediate zone, and posterior lobe, all of which are involved in either hormone production or hormone secretion.  The pituitary gland is termed the "Master Gland" because it directs other organs and endocrine glands to either suppress or induce hormone production. Hypothalamus-Pituitary Complex The pituitary gland and hypothalamus are closely connected both structurally and functionally. The hypothalamus is an important brain structure that has both nervous system and endocrine system function. It serves as a link between the two systems translating nervous system messages into endocrine hormon es. The posterior pituitary is composed of axons that extend from the neurons of the hypothalamus. The posterior pituitary also stores hypothalmic hormones. Blood vessel connections between the hypothalamus and ant


You   need  a  good   sleep  to  save  your   health   and  beauty.A  good  sleep   save  your  body  from  stress  and  gives  your   body  a  relief.So   a   good  sleep  is  must   for  your   body  and  beauty. But   you  fails  to  fall  asleep   ,even  if  you're   lying  on  bed .you  waits   your  brain  to  stop    whirring  only  to  be  rewarded  with   thoughts  of  exiting  projects ,  upcoming  social   events ,things  you  have  said  and imagined   conversations   that  keep  you  awake   for  hours.You  wants   to  sleep  but  your  brain  is  a  busy  body?But  you  need  your beauty  sleep.And you  have   ways   how  to  feel  sleepy    and   have  a  sweet   dream.- Some  tricks  to  fall  asleep   faster- i> Feed   your  brain- Don't   eat  too  late  in  the  evening ,  and   make  sure  that    what  you're  eating   and  drinking     isn't  filled   with    sugar     and  caffeine,  as  this  can  prevent  you   from


To  produced  a clone   of   an  animal  a sample  of  the  DNA  must  be used  .Since  each   body  cell  contains  a complete  DNA  genome,this  is easily  obtained .This  DNA has  to  be   introduced  into  an  ovum (egg)  of another  animal  of  same  species.after  the  ovum's  original   DNA  is  extracted .The  egg  is   then   inserted  into  a surrogate  animal's  womb  and pregnancy  proceeds  as normal.Although  every  body cell  contains  complete  genome ,it  will normally  activate  only  those   genes  necessary for its  own body  parts.-for example kidney,brain,or  bone.The  other gene  are not needed  and  are  not " switched  on"however  ,if  the  cell  is starved  of nutrients  ,development can  be  stopped   at  an  early  stage,at  which  point   all  the  genes  can  be  operative.The ovum  into  which  DNA  is inserted  will  then  behave  as  if  the  DNA were  its    own. GENETICALLY MODIFIED  FOOD . An  increasingly   commo


Heart   is  a  hollow  muscular   organ in  the  middle  of the  chest.It  pumps  blood   around   the   body  each  time  it   beats  slowly.Its  weight  is  approximately  300  gram.When   the  human  body  is  at  rest ,the   heart  beats  between   60  and  80  times  a  minute,while  during  exercise or  at  the  time  of stress   or  excitement,  the  rate  may  increase  to  200 beats  a  minute. One  side  of  the  heart  receives   blood  from  the  body   and  send it  to   the  lungs  to  collect  oxygen.The  other  side  receive  blood  carrying  oxygen   back  from  the   lungs.  This   is  then  pumped  around  the  body. Each   side  is  further  divided   into  two  chambers-an-  upper   atrium  and  a  lower  ventricle.When  the  heart  muscle  contracts,it  squeeze     blood.De oxygenated   blood  enters   the  right  atrium  while  the left   atrium   receive   oxygenated   blood FACTS- Our  heart  beats  60   to 100   times  a  minute. It   pum


When you decide to keep a Web page to look at later, you're doing something called "bookmarking". Bookmarks are simply links to sites that you visit frequently or want to keep handy for reference. There are a couple ways you can save Web pages for later: In your browser.  All major Web browsers provide you with the ability to make and store your favorite links within the browser. These links are accessible several different ways, depending on what browser you might be using: a sidebar, a toolbar, or a drop-down menu. In a social bookmarking site. If you want to access your collection from anywhere and share them with others, then a social marking site - a site that lets you store your favorite links - might be for you. launch I n the context of the Web, the term launch usually means two different things. Permission to Launch - Website First, some Web sites use the word "launch" as a substitute for the more commonly known "enter&