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     Being prepared with a quick healthy  Snack will enable us to feel satisfied before suppertime or boosted with enough calories to hit the gym. Many of us stick within a calorie count give or take a few in order to maintain a healthy body. Having a low-calorie snack of 100 calories or less is the perfect answer to keep our body fueled, still leaving room for dinner. Fresh Avocado on Whole Grain Toast    Snack : use 1/4 fresh sliced avocado on organic whole grain or seeded toast for a nutrient-dense snack and under 100 calories.   Food facts: whole grains are a rich source of fiber, help with weight loss and are shown to reduce our risk of disease. Fresh avocado is considered a healthy unsaturated fat and a great alternative to real butter. According to Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition reports, avocados are full of essential vitamins and good fats promoting healthy lipid profiles (cholesterol) and weight lo


  A  broken  heart  can   feel   very  real  for  those  experiencing  the  loss   of  a  loved  ones .But  for  some  ,  the  emotional  stress  does  quite  literally  break   their  hearts ,at  least  temporarily-causing  symptoms  that  can  mimic a  heart  attack .  Broken   heart  syndrome  is   one  of  the  many  names   for  takotsubo cardiomyopathy,  a  rare  and  temporary  condition    where  part  of  a  person's   heart  suddenly  becomes  weakened  or  'stunned' -forcing  the  rest  of  the  heart  to work  harder . When  this  happens  the  person's    left  ventricle changes shape , developing  a  narrow  neck   and  round  bottom . The  shape  created  by  this bulging  out   earned  the  syndrome  the  name 'takotsubo',  meaning  octopus   in  Japan  where the  condition   was  first  reported. The  condition is  also referred  to  acute  stress cardiomyopathy  and  apical  ballooning   syndrome. Causes  -There  are 


  websites with fun games and activities for girls. Parents should know that many of them include branding for a particular company or product. That's what keeps them free. American Girl Fun for Girls >   The American Girl Fun for Girls website is full of games that include or are inspired by beloved American Girl characters and stories. You don't have to be an American Girl fan to have fun, though. There are puzzle, action, word, maze and match three games. In fact, there are plenty of activities that boys will enjoy as well. This site is geared toward elementary and middle school students.. The Adventures of Josie True     The Adventures of Josie True is a Flash-based Web adventure. Josie, a Chinese American girl, sets out to find her missing teacher and must solve a variety of science, math and logic puzzles along the way. The puzzles are just challenging enough and will be engaging for tweens and some teens (it's based o


  COMBAT    SPORTS  ARE    BASED   ON  THE  SKILLS   used  in  fighting .In  these  sports ,the  competitors   may  be  unarmed-as  in  judo  and  boxing or  armed  as  in   fencing  and  ken do. Judo  is  a  system   of   unarmed  combat   developed  in  the  East.Translated   from    the   Japanese the  name  means  "the  gentle way"student   learn  how   to   turn  an  opponent's    force  to   their  own  advantage.The  usual   costume   is  loose   white  trousers  and  a  jacket  fastened   with  a  cloth   belt.The  colour  of   the  belt  indicate   the  student's  level of  expertise.,from  white  belted  novices   to  the  expert  "black belts". Competitions   takes  place    on  a  mat   or "shiaijo",9  or  10  m(30  or 33   ft)square  in  size ,bounded  by  "danger"  and " safety" areas  to  prevent  injury. Competitors   try  to  throw  ,pin  or  master   their   opponent  by  applying  


    ICE  HOCKEY    IS  PLAYED  BY  TWO  TEAMS  OF  SIX  PLAYERS.On  an   ice  ring ,with  a  goal  net  at  each  end.the  object   of  this  fast  and  often  dangerous  game  is  to  hit  a  frozen   rubber  puck  into   the    opposing  team's   net  ,with  a   ice hockey  stick . The  game   begins   when  the&nbsp ; referee   drops the  puck  between  the sticks  of  two  players    from  opposing   teams.who  "face off". The  ring  is  divided   into    three  areas;defending,neutral,and  attacking   zone.Players   may  move  with  the  puck and  pass  the  puck  to  one another  along  the  Ice,but  may  not  pass  it   more  than   two  zones    across  the  across  the  ring  markings. A   goal  is  scored  when  the  puck  entirely  crosses   the  goal  line between  the  posts   and  under   the  cross  bar  of  the  goal. A   team  may  field  up to   20  players   although    six  players  are  allowed   on  the   ice  at  one  time


  ICE  HOCKEY    IS  PLAYED  BY  TWO  TEAMS  OF  SIX  PLAYERS.On  an   ice  ring ,with  a  goal  net  at  each  end.the  object   of  this  fast  and  often  dangerous  game  is  to  hit  a  frozen   rubber  puck  into   the    opposing  team's   net  ,with  a   ice hockey  stick . The  game   begins   when  the&nbsp ; referee   drops the  puck  between  the sticks  of  two  players    from  opposing   teams.who  "face off". The  ring  is  divided   into    three  areas;defending,neutral,and  attacking   zone.Players   may  move  with  the  puck and  pass  the  puck  to  one another  along  the  Ice,but  may  not  pass  it   more  than   two  zones    across  the  across  the  ring  markings. A   goal  is  scored  when  the  puck  entirely  crosses   the  goal  line between  the  posts   and  under   the  cross  bar  of  the  goal. A   team  may  field  up to   20  players   although    six  players  are  allowed   on  the   ice  at  one  time 


  CRICKET   IS  A  BALL   GAME   PLAYED  BY    two  teams   of  eleven   players    on  a   pitch   with  two  sets    of  three   stamps(wickets). The  bowler   bowls   the   ball  down  the  pitch   to  the  batman   of  the  opposing  team  ,who  must  defend   the   wicket in  front  of  which   he  stands.The   object  of   the   game  is  to  score   as  many  runs  as  possible  .Runs  can  be   scored    individually   by  running    the  length  of  the   playing  strip,or  by  hitting  the  ball  which  LAN  hitting  a  ball   which  land  outside   the  boundary   ('six"),or   which  lands  inside  the  boundary  but  bounce  or   rolls  outside('four");the  opposing  team  will  bowl  and  field  ,attempting  to  dismiss the  batsmen.A  batsman  can  be    dismissed   in   one  of  several   ways;by  the  bowler,hitting  the  wickets  with  ball (bowled);by   a  fielder   catching  the  ball  hit  by  the  batsman  before  it  touches  the